Planning fees
Fees are current as of 1 July 2024.
If you are unsure which fee applies to your application, call the Planning Services team on 9433 3343 or email
You can also download the list of fees.
Planning Services Fee Schedule 2024-2025(PDF, 864KB)
On this page
Applications for permits and applications to amend permits
Note: under Regulations 10 and 13 of the Planning and Environment (Fees) Regulations, statutory fees are cumulative. If your application falls into several categories, the highest fee and 50% of each of the other fees which would have applied if separate applications were made are payable.
Class |
Application type |
Application fee |
Amendment fee |
Class 1 |
Use (includes change of use, liquor licence and car parking waiver) |
$1,453.40 |
$1,453.40 |
Class 2 |
Amendment to change the statement of what the permit allows, or to change any or all of the conditions (does not apply if amending a permit for a single dwelling on a lot) |
n/a |
$1,453.40 |
Single dwelling
To develop, use and develop, or undertake development ancillary to the use of land for a single dwelling on one lot. This includes the removal of trees and demolition of a heritage dwelling or outbuilding. This category does not apply to VicSmart applications, applications to subdivide or consolidate land, or applications for single dwellings with a cost of buildings and works greater than $2 million.
Class |
Application type |
Application fee |
Amendment fee |
Class 2 |
Cost of development is $10,000 or less |
$220.50 |
$220.50 |
Class 3 |
Cost of development is $10,001 to $100,000 |
$694.00 |
$694.00 |
Class 4 |
Cost of development is $100,001 to $500,000 |
$1,420.70 |
$1,420.70 |
Class 5 |
Cost of development is $500,001 to $1,000,000 |
$1,535.00 |
$1,535.00 |
Class 6 |
Cost of development is $1,000,001 to $2,000,000 |
$1,649.30 |
$1,535.00 |
A permit that is the subject of a VicSmart application.
Class |
Application type |
Application fee |
Amendment fee |
Class 7 |
Cost of development is $10,000 or less |
$220.50 |
$220.50 |
Class 8 |
Cost of development is more than $10,000 |
$473.60 |
$473.60 |
Class 9 |
VicSmart application to subdivide or consolidate land |
$220.50 |
$220.50 |
Class 10 |
VicSmart application (other than Class 7, 8 or 9) |
$220.50 |
$220.50 |
Other development
To develop land including commercial development, multi-dwellings, signs, demolition of buildings (other than dwellings and associated outbuildings), removal of trees, etc. This category does not apply to applications for or relating to a single dwelling per lot (unless the cost of buildings and works is greater than $2 million), VicSmart applications or applications to subdivide or consolidate land.
Class |
Application type |
Application fee |
Amendment fee |
Class 11 |
Cost of development is $100,000 or less |
$1,265.60 |
$1,265.60 |
Class 12 |
Cost of development is $100,001 to $1,000,000 |
$1,706.50 |
$1,706.50 |
Class 13 |
Cost of development is $1,000001 to $5,000,000 |
$3,764.10 |
$3,764.10 |
Class 14 |
Cost of development is $5,000,001 to $15,000,000 |
$9,593.90 |
$3,764.10 |
Class 15 |
Cost of development is $15,000,001 to $50,000,000 |
$28,291.70 |
$3,764.10 |
Class 16 |
Cost of development is more than $50,000,000 |
$63,589.00 |
$3,764.10 |
Class |
Application type |
Application fee |
Amendment fee |
Class 17 |
Subdivide an existing building |
$1,453.40 |
$1,453.40 |
Class 18 |
Subdivide land into two lots |
$1,453.40 |
$1,453.40 |
Class 19 |
Realignment of a common boundary between lots or consolidate two or more lots |
$1,453.40 |
$1,453.40 |
Class 20 |
To subdivide land ($1,318.10 for each 100 lots created) |
$1,453.40 |
$1,453.40 |
Class 21 |
To create, vary or remove a restriction within the meaning of the Subdivision Act 1988; or
To create or remove a right of way; or
To create, vary or remove an easement other than a right of way; or
To vary or remove a condition in the nature of an easement (other than right of way) in a Crown grant. |
$1,453.40 |
$1,453.40 |
Class |
Application type |
Application fee |
Amendment fee |
Class 22 |
A permit not otherwise provided for in the regulations |
$1,453.40 |
$1,453.40 |
Amending an application after it has been advertised
Regulation |
Application type |
Fee |
Regulation 12 |
Section 57A Amend an application for a permit or an application to amend a permit after the application has been advertised (prior to a decision being made) |
40% of the application fee for that class of permit or amendment to permit
Where the class of application changes, resulting in a higher application fee, the difference between the original fee and the fee for the new class also applies
Other matters
Regulation |
Application type |
Fee |
Regulation 15 |
Certificate of Compliance |
$359.30 |
Regulation 16 |
Amend or end a Section 173 agreement |
$726.70 |
Regulation 18 |
Satisfaction matters |
$359.30 |
Subdivision certification
Regulation |
Purpose |
Fee |
Regulation 6 |
Certification of a plan of subdivision |
$192.70 |
Regulation 7 |
Alteration of plan |
$122.50 |
Regulation 8 |
Amendment of certified plan |
$155.10 |
Amendments to the Planning Scheme
Stage |
Description |
Fee |
Stage 1 |
Considering a request to amend a planning scheme; and
taking action required by Division 1 of Part 3 of the Act; and
considering any submissions which do not seek a change to the amendment; and
if applicable, abandoning the amendment. |
$3,364.00 |
Stage 2 |
Considering submissions which seek a change to an amendment and where necessary referring the submissions to a panel;
providing assistance to a panel; and making a submission to a panel; and considering the panel’s report; and after considering submissions and the panel’s report, abandoning the amendment.
- Up to 10 submissions
- 11 to 20 submissions
- More than 20 submissions
- $16,672.90
- $33,313.20
- $44,531.90
Stage 3 |
Adopting the amendment or a part of the amendment; and
submitting the amendment for approval by the Minister; and
giving the notice of the approval of the amendment.
Stage 4 |
Consideration by the Minister of a request to approve the amendment; and
giving notice of approval of the amendment. |
$530.70 |
The fees for stages 1, 2 and 3 are paid to the planning authority.
The fee for stage 4 is paid to the Minister.
Metropolitan Planning Levy
A Metropolitan Planning Levy is payable to the State Revenue Office for all planning applications where the cost of development exceeds $1,271,000 (threshold for 2024-25).
A copy of the certificate issued, once paid, is required to be submitted (if applicable) with your planning application.
Refer to the State Revenue Office for further information.
Other fees
These fees and charges have been adopted by Council and are mandatory.
Type |
Fee |
Planning Information Request (Do I need a planning permit?) |
$188.00 |
Major pre-application meeting with written planning advice |
$256.80 |
Planning permit search information for dates and decisions only (per property) |
$162.00 |
Search/copy planning permits and endorsed plans
Fee includes up to five A1 size plans. Additional copy charges apply for extra plans.
Type |
Fee |
One permit |
$156.50 |
Two permits |
$266.50 |
Three or more permits |
$397.00 |
Plans required by permit conditions/landscape plans
Type |
Fee |
First submission of plans to satisfy conditions |
No fee |
Subsequent submissions of plans |
$209.00 |
Extension of time to planning permit
Type |
Fee |
First request |
$395.00 |
Subsequent requests |
$510.00 |
Secondary consent
Type |
Fee |
Changes associated with a single dwelling (including outbuildings/DPU) |
$385.00 |
Changes associated with two to five dwellings |
$585.00 |
All other types (including six or more dwellings, commercial, etc) |
$685.00 |
Other requests and consents
Type |
Fee |
Miscellaneous Consent (173) residential and non-residential |
$491.00 |
Fast track tree removal Miscellaneous Consent (173) (two trees or less) |
$804.50 |
Fast track tree removal (two trees or less) associated with a dwelling |
$534.00 |
Fast track tree removal (two trees or less) associated with other development |
$1,579.10 |
Photocopying and scanning
Type |
Fee |
A4 copies - each |
$5.00 |
A3 copies - each |
$5.00 |
A1 copies - each |
$20.00 |
Local Laws fees
Type |
Fee |
Application to remove up to two trees on private land (includes assessment by Council arborist) |
$514.70 |
Application to remove more than two trees on private land (applicant to provide arborist report) |
$400.00 |
Extension of time to a Local Law tree removal permit |
$256.80 |