Report litter and dumped waste

Litter and dumped waste pollutes our roadsides, parks and waterways. It also has devastating impacts on wildlife. 

To keep our streets, parks and waterways clean, Nillumbik Shire Council runs a regular litter cleaning program across parts of the Shire. You can help by using our public litter bins, taking your waste home with you and reporting illegal waste disposal.

Under the Environment Protection Act 1970, it is against the law to dispose of waste by: 

  • littering from a car or other type of vehicle
  • illegally dumping it on public or private land

Report litter from a vehicle

You can report a person for littering cigarette butts or other types of rubbish from a vehicle to the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria.

Visit EPA Victoria for more information about reporting litter from vehicles.

Report waste dumped on Council land

You can report waste that has been dumped on land owned or managed by Council directly to us.

Council land includes:

  • local roads not maintained by VicRoads
  • footpaths and nature strips
  • parks, reserves and playgrounds

Enter the specific address

When reporting dumped waste, please enter the specific address (street number and street name) where the waste has been dumped. 

If you are not sure of the exact address and you are using a mobile device, you can use the 'map' option to point to the approximate address. If you are not sure of the exact address and you are using a desktop device, please enter the closest choice, or contact us on 03 9433 3111.

How to report


Step 1.Make sure the waste is on Council land

We can only remove dumped waste if it is located on land owned or managed by Nillumbik Council. We cannot remove waste from:

  • private property
  • land owned or managed by another government authority, for example, VicRoads, Melbourne Water or Parks Victoria.

Step 2.Check if the waste contains identifying information 

Does the dumped waste include any items that may identify who left it there? For example, a bill or letter with a name and address. This helps us to identify who the waste may belong to.

Supermarket trolleys

You can report dumped supermarket trolleys directly to the store, for:

Step 3.Have your information ready

Please provide as much information as possible, including:

  • what type of waste it is
  • where the dumped waste is located (see below for more information)
  • how much waste was dumped
  • who dumped the waste, if applicable (for example, a vehicle registration number)
  • if the waste includes identifying information

When reporting dumped waste, please enter the specific address (street number and street name) where the waste has been dumped. 

If you are not sure of the exact address and you are using a mobile device, you can use the 'map' option to point to the approximate address. If you are not sure of the exact address and you are using a desktop device, please enter the closest choice, or contact us by phone.

Step 4.Complete the online form

Report dumped waste 


Step 1.Have your information ready

Please provide as much information as possible, including:

  • what type of waste it is
  • where the dumped waste is located
  • how much waste was dumped
  • who dumped the waste (for example, a vehicle registration number)
  • if the waste includes identifying information

Step 2.Call us

Call 03 9433 3111 during business hours

Monday to Friday
8.30am to 5.00pm

Closed public holidays

Cigarette butt litter

Cigarette butt litter is a huge problem for our natural environment and animals. Cigarette butts contain toxic chemicals which leach into the environment and the plastic filters take years to decompose and can be consumed by animals.

If you are a smoker, please bin your butt. 

For more information about cigarette butt litter visit Clean Up Australia.

Vapes should not go in any bin as they contain a battery which can start fires. To find a recycling drop off location for vapes visit our A to Z of waste and recycling.

Clean Up Australia Day 

Clean Up Australia Day is Australia's largest annual community-based environmental event. 

Every March, thousands of volunteers collect rubbish from parks, waterways, nature reserves and bushlands across Australia.  

Nillumbik Council supports this event by covering the disposal of the litter collected.  To create a clean up event, register at Clean Up Australia Day  

Clean up events can now happen on any day of the year but please let Council know to ensure the litter is collected after your event.