Paper and stationery

This includes old birthday or greeting cards, office paper and wrapping paper (remove sticky tape and ribbon).

Envelopes (with or without plastic windows) can be recycled.

Recycle dry paper only in your yellow recycling bin.

Wet paper can go into your home compost or wait until it's dry before you recycle it.

Remove the soft plastic cover on newspaper, magazines and advertising material before you recycle it. 

Shredded paper

  • Put in your home compost.
  • Use as pet bedding or garden mulch.
  • Recycle small amounts in your green organics bin.

Finely shredded loose paper and cardboard should not go in your recycling bin as it is not sorted correctly at the recycling facility. The pieces may be blown around the sorting facility and become litter. If the shredded cardboard or paper is in one piece similar to netting it may be sorted correctly and can go in the recycling bin.