Register a dog or cat

If you have a dog or cat that is three months of age or older, it must be registered with Nillumbik Shire Council. 

To register your pet, you will need to show proof that:

  • your dog has been microchipped
  • your cat has been microchipped and desexed.

Find out what kind of registration applies to your pet by expanding the sections below.

Dog registrations

Dogs over three months must be registered with Council.

Dogs must be microchipped to be registered.

Keeping multiple dogs

Our Local Law states that residents may not keep more than two dogs (three months of age or older) without a permit. Before registering your pet(s), you will need to apply for a permit to keep more than two dogs.

Standard fees

The standard fees for registering a dog are:

  Standard fee  Concession fee
Standard dog  $210.00  $105.00
Dangerous dog  $408.00  N/A

The above amounts are correct as of 1 July 2024.

The dangerous dog category applies if your dog is a classified as a restricted breed dog (Animal Welfare Victoria).

The concession fee only applies to pensioners and veterans - more information is provided below.

Fee reductions

You can get a reduction on the standard registration fee if any of the following categories apply to your dog:

If you have already registered your dog and it is then desexed at six months of age or younger, a partial refund can be issued. A sterilisation certificate is required.

The reduced fees for registering a dog are:

  Standard fee Concession fee
Reduced fee $55.00 $27.50

The above amounts are correct as of 1 July 2024.

You will need to provide proof of all relevant criteria (for example a sterilisation certificate) to get the fee reduction.

You cannot get a reduced fee for a restricted breed dog (Animal Welfare Victoria)

Fee exemptions

You may be entitled to a fee exemption if your dog is:

  • a Guide Dog
  • a State Dog
  • a Commonwealth Dog
  • an assistance dog (see below for more information)

You will still need to register your dog, but no fee will apply. You will need to provide proof to receive the exemption. 

Assistance dogs

If you require the help of an assistance dog due to disability, you may be eligible to receive a fee exemption for your assistance dog. 

Assistance dogs are defined as "a dog that is trained to perform tasks or functions that assist a person with a disability to alleviate the effects of his or her disability".

To comply with state government requirements, in order to receive a fee exemption, the owner of an assistance dog must provide:

  • evidence of their disability and need for an assistance dog, and
  • evidence that their assistance dog has undertaken training in both assistance and obedience. 

More information can be found on the Animal Welfare Victoria website. To find out more, including if you are eligible to receive a fee exemption for your assistance dog, please contact our Community Safety team at 

Cat registrations

All cats must be microchipped and desexed.

The fees for registering a cat are:

Standard fee  Concession fee
$55.00 $27.50

The above amounts are correct as of 2024.

Desexing exemption

You can only get an exemption from desexing if your cat is:

You will need to provide proof to receive the exemption. 

Keeping multiple cats

Our Local Law states that residents may not keep more than two cats (three months of age or older) without a permit. Before registering your pet(s), you will need to apply for a permit to keep more than two cats.

Transfer from another council

If you have moved from a different council area in Victoria, you can transfer your registration to Nillumbik Shire Council. 

Category Standard fee  Concession fee
Transfer $13.00 N/A

The above amounts are correct as of 1 July 2024.

You will need to provide proof of current registration at your previous council, including a receipt for payment for the current year.


If you hold an eligible concession card, you can get the concession rate for your pet registration.

To be eligible for a concession, you must hold one of the following cards:

  • Pensioner Concession Card
  • Veterans' Affairs Gold Card (given for TPI, War Widow, EDA or POW).

Please note that we cannot accept Health Care Cards as a form of concession.

Pensioner Concession Card - accepted

pensioner concession card example.png


Veterans' Affairs Gold Card - accepted

veterans affairs card example.png


Health Care Card - not accepted

We are unable to accept Health Care Cards as a form of concession.

health care card example.png

Part year registrations

Registration fees are charged annually. The registration year starts on 10 April and ends on 9 April the following year. 

How to register your pet

Follow the steps below to submit your pet registration.


Step 1.Keeping multiple pets?

Our Local Law states that residents may not keep more than two cats or two dogs (three months of age or older) without a permit. Before registering your pet(s), you will need to apply for a permit to keep more than two cats or apply for a permit to keep more than two dogs.

Step 2.Prepare your information

Have digital copies of evidence of desexing and microchipping with you. If you are entitled to a concession, have your pensioner number with you.

Step 3.Have your credit card ready

Please note we cannot accept Diners Club and American Express.

Step 4.Submit the online form

Register your dog or cat

Step 5.After you submit the form

A certificate of registration and identification tag will be mailed to you.

In person

Please note: the quickest and easiest way to register your pet is online. Only follow the steps below if you are unable to submit your registration electronically. 

Step 1.Keeping multiple pets?

Our Local Law states that residents may not keep more than two cats or two dogs (three months of age or older) without a permit. Before registering your pet(s), you will need to apply for a permit to keep more than two cats or apply for a permit to keep more than two dogs.

Step 2.Prepare relevant certificates 

This includes microchipping and desexing documentation.

Step 3.Attend the customer service desk 

32 Civic Drive

Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm excluding public holidays

Step 4.Complete the Animal Registration form

You can find copies at the customer service desk, or download the (PDF, 193KB)application form(PDF, 193KB).

Step 5.Pay

Pay with cash, cheque, money order, EFTPOS, Mastercard or Visa. We do not accept Diners Club and American Express.

Step 6.After you register

A certificate of registration and identification tag will be mailed to you.


Please note: the quickest and easiest way to register your pet is online. Only follow the steps below if you are unable to submit your registration electronically. 

Step 1.Keeping multiple pets?

Our Local Law states that residents may not keep more than two cats or two dogs (three months of age or older) without a permit. Before registering your pet(s), you will need to apply for a permit to keep more than two cats or apply for a permit to keep more than two dogs.

Step 2.Complete an Animal Registration form

Download and print the (PDF, 193KB)application form(PDF, 193KB).


Call Customer Service on 9433 3111 and we will send you an Animal Registration form.

Step 3.Prepare supporting documentation

This includes microchipping and desexing certificates.

Step 4.Prepare a cheque or money order

Payable to Nillumbik Shire Council and crossed Not Negotiable.

Step 5.Mail your completed form

Nillumbik Shire Council
PO Box 476
Greensborough VIC 3088

Step 6.After you send the form

A certificate of registration and identification tag will be mailed to you.