Collect a lost pet from Nillumbik Regional Pound Collect a lost pet from the pound and pay the release fee.
Register a dog or cat If you have a dog or cat that is three months of age or older, it must be registered with council.
Pay your pet registration renewal Pay for your dog or cat registration renewal online, in person or by mail.
Renew domestic animal business registration Pay for your annual domestic animal business registration renewal online.
Pay an animal infringement notice fine If you have received an animal infringement notice, you can pay your fine online or read about options to have your fine reviewed.
Make a building or infrastructure payment If you need to make a payment related to a building or infrastructure application or request, you can pay online.
Pay a swimming pool or spa infringement If you have received an infringement related to a swimming pool or spa, you can pay online.
Pay for your asset protection permit After your permit application is received, we will send you an invoice for the permit fee which must be paid within 28 days of the invoice issue date.
Renew accommodation business registration Operators of accommodation businesses must renew their business registration by 31 December each year.
Renew food business registration (Class 1, 2 or 3) Operators of food businesses must renew their food business registration by 31 December each year.
Renew health and beauty business registration Operators of health and beauty businesses must renew their business registration by 31 December each year.
Renew domestic animal business registration Pay for your annual domestic animal business registration renewal online.
Apply for public liability insurance for community groups If you are hiring a Council reserve or facility, you may be eligible to apply for public liability insurance through Council. Find out more about applying and paying.
Make a payment for facility hire If you have arranged to hire a Council facility, you can pay the hire fee online.
Pay a Fire Prevention Notice infringement If you have received a fine related to a Fire Prevention Notice, you can pay online.
Pay a local laws fine If you have received an infringement relating to a local law, you can pay your fine online.
Pay a parking fine If you have received an infringement for a parking-related matter, you can pay the fine online.
Pay a planning fine If you have received an infringement notice for a planning-related matter, you can pay your fine online.
Pay a swimming pool or spa infringement If you have received an infringement related to a swimming pool or spa, you can pay online.
Pay an animal infringement notice fine If you have received an animal infringement notice, you can pay your fine online or read about options to have your fine reviewed.
Pay an environmental health fine If you have received an infringement for a matter related to environmental health, you can pay the fine online.
Pay a Fire Prevention Notice infringement If you have received a fine related to a Fire Prevention Notice, you can pay online.
Pay a Council invoice If you have received an invoice from Council that does not fit any other category of payment, you can pay your invoice here. This includes community transport payments.
Pay for a lease or license If you have received a renewal reminder for a lease or license, you can pay online here.
Pay a Council invoice If you have received an invoice from Council that does not fit any other category of payment, you can pay your invoice here. This includes community transport payments.
Pay a parking fine If you have received an infringement for a parking-related matter, you can pay the fine online.
Make a planning application payment Your planning application might include fees for advertising, submitting plans and more. Pay online - what you’ll need.
Pay a planning fine If you have received an infringement notice for a planning-related matter, you can pay your fine online.
Renew accommodation business registration Operators of accommodation businesses must renew their business registration by 31 December each year.
Renew food business registration (Class 1, 2 or 3) Operators of food businesses must renew their food business registration by 31 December each year.
Renew health and beauty business registration Operators of health and beauty businesses must renew their business registration by 31 December each year.
Pay an environmental health fine If you have received an infringement for a matter related to environmental health, you can pay the fine online.
Pay your rates Pay your rates online, in person or by mail, find out about concessions, payment plans, interest and refunds.
Make a Special Charge Scheme payment If you need to make a payment for a matter related to a Special Charge Scheme, you can pay online.
Set up a payment schedule with Payble There is a convenient option to help you manage your rates payments. You can choose to pay your rates in smaller, more frequent payments and never forget a payment again.
Make a Special Charge Scheme payment If you need to make a payment for a matter related to a Special Charge Scheme, you can pay online.
Pay for your asset protection permit After your permit application is received, we will send you an invoice for the permit fee which must be paid within 28 days of the invoice issue date.
Apply for public liability insurance for community groups If you are hiring a Council reserve or facility, you may be eligible to apply for public liability insurance through Council. Find out more about applying and paying.
Lodge a pool or spa compliance or noncompliance certificate After your pool or spa has been registered and inspected, you will receive a Certificate of Barrier Compliance. Upload your certificate here.
Pay a swimming pool or spa infringement If you have received an infringement related to a swimming pool or spa, you can pay online.