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Nillumbik Shire Council - Home - Logo
New residents
Community and Services Directory
Fire, flood and emergencies
Before emergencies
During emergencies
After emergencies
Floods and storms
Fire and heat
Pandemic and other emergencies
Pets and farm animals
Cat and dog registrations
Lost and found animals
Problems with neighbourhood pets
Owning a cat
Owning a dog
Owning other animals
Rates, valuations and property
Pay your rates
Valuations for rates
Change or find property details
Roads, drains and paths
Roads and roadsides
Drainage and stormwater
Footpaths and driveways
Nature strips
Working in the road reserve
Traffic and parking
Traffic and road safety
Waste and recycling
Bin collection
Report litter and dumped waste
Recycling and waste disposal
A to Z of waste and recycling
Learn about waste
Visit Nillumbik
About the Shire
Snapshot of Nillumbik
Local history
Natural environment
Artistic tradition
Arts and culture
What's on
Art collections
Arts places and spaces
Opportunities for artists
Initiatives, strategies and policies
Stay connected
Climate and sustainability
Climate action
Sustainable living
Nillumbik Biodiversity Strategy 2024-2034
Natural environment
Environment projects and programs
Caring for land - for rural and urban residents
Events, activities and education
Grants, rebates and incentives
Environmental volunteer opportunities
Events and festivals
Events calendar
Awards, ceremonies and major events
Planning an event in Nillumbik
Libraries and community centres
Neighbourhood Houses
Hurstbridge Community Hub
My neighbourhood
Parks, reserves and playgrounds
Sport and recreation
Aquatic and leisure centres
Local sports club directory
Sporting Club Hub
Bike paths and walking trails
Shop in our Shire
Children and families
Find family services near you
Child care
Kindergarten (preschool)
Maternal and child health
Resources and support
What's on - family activities and events
Child safety and wellbeing
Older people
Aged care services
Events and activities
Keeping active
Transport services
Community development
Nillumbik Leaders
Community Toolkit
Community Training Calendar
Community and Services Directory
Community Connect Network
Diversity and inclusion
Disability, accessibility and inclusion
Gender equity
Council grants
Nillumbik Grants Hub
Information and support
Public health and safety
Tobacco and tobacco smoke
Food safety and food hygiene
Odour and smoke
National Volunteer Week
Information for volunteers
Information for volunteer leaders
Planning permits and building permits
Your planning permit
Planning advice
Planning application checklists
View advertised applications for a planning permit
View list of planning permit applications
Make an objection or submission to a planning application
Make a planning application payment
Planning fees
Building permits
Other construction-related applications
Nillumbik Building Surveyors
Swimming pools and spas
Register your pool or spa
Request a pool or spa inspection
Lodge a pool or spa compliance or noncompliance certificate
Pay a swimming pool or spa infringement
Request a copy of the pool/spa registration letter
Waste water management and your property
Installing or altering a septic system
Maintaining your septic tank system
Infrastructure (roads, drains and paths)
Planning for Nillumbik's future
Nillumbik Planning Scheme
Heritage planning
Our Green Wedge
Neighbourhood character
Major Activity Centres
20-minute neighbourhoods
Projects and works
Planning Scheme Amendment VC253
Business permits and approvals
Starting, expanding or buying a business
Planning and Business Concierge
Business permits
Your Business is our Business podcast
Business permit resources
Marketing support
Local trader and business associations
Promotion of our Visit Economy businesses
Northern Business Achievement Awards (NBAA)
Workshops and events
Tourism businesses
List your business with the ATDW
Yarra Ranges Tourism
Destination Management Plan
Accessible tourism
Tag @visitnillumbik
Get tourist signage
Creative businesses
Agricultural businesses
Sustainability for business
Council’s sustainability team
Circular economy
Recycling and waste reduction
Sustainable energy
Single use plastics
Local food production
Sustainable building
Your Business is our Business - Sustainability
Small Business Climate Adaptation Toolkit
Other types of support
Good Access for Good Business
Local training and mentoring
Wellbeing, financial and business support
Victorian Small Business Commission
Funding and support
Translation services
Greensborough Business Incubator
Economic Development Strategy
Contact us
How to contact us
Complaints and compliments
Mutual Respect Charter
Working at Nillumbik
Current vacancies
Work experience
Councillors, wards and elections
Council elections
Nillumbik wards
Local ward meetings
Council and PCC meetings
Council meetings
Planning and Consultation Committee meetings
Local ward meetings
Advisory and other committees
Advisory committees
Audit and Risk Committee
CEO Employment Matters Committee
External committee representation
Facilities and property
Council facilities for hire
Enquire about leasing or licensing Council land
Enquire about purchasing Council land
Community flag request
Local laws
News and publications
Latest news
Nillumbik News
Public notices
Strategies, policies and plans
Our organisation
Community Satisfaction Survey
Executive leadership team
Governance and public transparency
Strategies, policies and plans
You Are Here :
This is the sitemap
New residents
Community and Services Directory
Fire, flood and emergencies
Before emergencies
Are you prepared?
Stay informed
Communities First
What Council does before emergencies
During emergencies
After emergencies
Floods and storms
Fire and heat
Fire Danger Ratings
Fire Danger Period
Preparing your property for fire
How Council prepares for fire
During emergencies
Extreme heat and heatwaves
Pandemic and other emergencies
Pets and farm animals
Cat and dog registrations
Register a dog or cat
Pay your pet registration renewal
Update your pet registration details
Request a replacement pet tag
Lost and found animals
Problems with neighbourhood pets
Owning a cat
Owning a dog
Off-leash dog parks
Owning other animals
Rates, valuations and property
Pay your rates
Valuations for rates
Change or find property details
Notify Council of a change in property ownership details
Update your address or contact details for rates
Apply for farm land rates
Request neighbouring property ownership details for fencing
Request a change of street number
Receive your rates notice via email
Roads, drains and paths
Roads and roadsides
Drainage and stormwater
Footpaths and driveways
Nature strips
Working in the road reserve
Apply for an infrastructure works permit
Traffic and parking
Traffic and road safety
Waste and recycling
Bin collection
Bin inspections and feedback
Report litter and dumped waste
Recycling and waste disposal
Recycling Centre
Book a hard waste collection
Apply for a skip bin permit
Container Deposit Scheme
Other facilities
A to Z of waste and recycling
Learn about waste
Reduce your waste
Managing food waste
Reusable nappies
What happens to your waste
Visit Nillumbik
About the Shire
Snapshot of Nillumbik
Local history
Natural environment
Artistic tradition
Arts and culture
What's on
Nillumbik Summer Sounds
Art collections
Public art
Arts places and spaces
Eltham Library Community Gallery
Opportunities for artists
Rainbow Exhibition 2026
Eltham Library Community Gallery 2026 | Applications open
Nillumbik Artist in Residence Program
Nillumbik Prize for Contemporary Art 2025
Nillumbik Prize for Contemporary Writing
Arts and cultural development grants
Creative Industries Business Education Program
Initiatives, strategies and policies
Arts and Culture Strategy 2022-2026
Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee
Stay connected
Climate and sustainability
Climate action
Sustainable living
Energy and electrification
Your home
Food and garden
Energy and sustainable living advice
Sustainable business
Nillumbik Biodiversity Strategy 2024-2034
Natural environment
Bushland reserves and wetlands
Plants and trees
Environment projects and programs
Gardens for Wildlife
Forest Health Monitoring Program
Nillumbik Deer Control Project
Rivers to Ranges (peri-urban weed management) project
Collaborative Community Deer Action across Nillumbik
Sugarloaf Link Project
Conservation Futures project
Yarra Strategic Plan 'Burndap Birrarung burndap umarkoo'
Smart Farms: Sustaining Land-Sustaining People
Caring for land - for rural and urban residents
Events, activities and education
Spring Outdoors
REthink Nillumbik Program
Plastic Free July
Home Harvest - seed libraries and seed saving
Webinars on demand
Environment publications
Grants, rebates and incentives
Land Management Incentive Program Grants
Other rebates and incentives for landowners
Equiculture course - discount for Nillumbik residents
Environmental volunteer opportunities
Friends groups
Gardens for Wildlife
Landcare groups
Forest Health monitoring
Other ways to record plants and animals
Environment and Sustainability Advisory Committee
Environment and climate groups in Nillumbik
Events and festivals
Events calendar
Add an event to our calendar
Nillumbik Repair Cafe
Yoga at the Hurstbridge Hub - Monday
Meditation at the Hurstbridge Hub
Hurstbridge Memory Care Café
Strong People Stay Young Hurstbridge
Sow & Grow Garden Club Hurstbridge
Family Storytime at the Hurstbridge Hub
Rewire Musical Memories Choir Nillumbik
Hurstbridge Edible Hub gardening sessions
North of the Yarra Quilters Guild
Aged care drop-in information sessions - Hurstbridge Hub
Hurstbridge Community Shed
Hurstbridge Community Shed - Women's Group
Basic Tech Help
Creating Beautiful Designs
Friday Folkies
Yoga at the Hurstbridge Hub - Tuesday
Basic Tech Help
Awards, ceremonies and major events
Citizenship ceremonies
Nillumbik Community Awards
Pet Expo
Planning an event in Nillumbik
Apply for temporary signage to advertise your event
Libraries and community centres
Neighbourhood Houses
Allwood Neighbourhood House
Diamond Creek Living & Learning Hub
Eltham Living & Learning Hub
Panton Hill Living & Learning Hub
Wadambuk St Andrews Community Centre
Hurstbridge Community Hub
My neighbourhood
Parks, reserves and playgrounds
Sport and recreation
Aquatic and leisure centres
Local sports club directory
Sporting Club Hub
Seasonal clubs
Book a sports ground
Fair access for women in sport
Supporting local clubs
Equity and inclusion in sports
All abilities in sport
Working with children
Eltham High School oval
Bike paths and walking trails
Shop in our Shire
Children and families
Find family services near you
Child care
Kindergarten (preschool)
Preschool services in Nillumbik
Register for kindergarten
The preschool offer process
Key dates in the preschool offer process
How preschool places are allocated
Accept, withdraw or cancel a preschool offer
Maternal and child health
Key age and stage visits
Locations and contact details
Programs, resources and support
Resources and support
Nillumbik Parenting Hub
Early Years Infrastructure Plan
Programs, resources and support
What's on - family activities and events
School holidays
Children's Week
Child safety and wellbeing
Older people
Aged care services
Commonwealth Home Support Programme
Transport services
Aged Care Navigation and Advocacy Service
Events and activities
Seniors Festival
Community Directory
Magic Table (Tovertafel)
Keeping active
Be In Motion - Exercise At Home
Resources for older people
Family violence resources
Pensioner discount for rates
'Ageing Well in Nillumbik' newsletter
Elder abuse awareness and resources
Positive Ageing Resource Guide
Living with dementia
Transport services
Community Bus
One-on-one transport
Other transport options
Pay a Council invoice
Community development
Nillumbik Leaders
Community Toolkit
Access, equity and inclusion
Environment and Climate
Community Training Calendar
Community Training Calendar
Community and Services Directory
Community Connect Network
Diversity and inclusion
Disability, accessibility and inclusion
Disability Action Plan
Disability Inclusion eNewsletter
Apply for an accessible parking permit
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Assisted Listening Systems
Home and Community Care Program
Master Locksmiths Access Key
International Day of People with Disability
Magic Table (Tovertafel)
Gender equity
Gender Equality Action Plan 2022-25
International Women's Day in Nillumbik
Young Women Leaders of Nillumbik Awards
Family violence resources
16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence
Gender Equity in the Early Years
Council grants
Quick Response Grants
Connecting Over 55s - Social Connection Grant
Reconciliation Grant
Sporting Achievement Grants
Environment grants, rebates and incentives
16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence grants
Celebrating Over 55s - Seniors Festival Grant
Connected St Andrews Project Grants
Festive Fund Grants
International Day of People with Disability Grants
Nillumbik Community Fund
Place Activation and Event Grant Program
Placemaking Grants
Successful grant recipients
Nillumbik Grants Hub
Information and support
Public health and safety
Tobacco and tobacco smoke
Make a complaint about a smoke-free area
Make a complaint about tobacco sales to a minor
Food safety and food hygiene
Make a complaint about suspected food poisoning
Make a complaint about food hygiene or cleanliness
Make a complaint about food contamination
Make a complaint about noise
Odour and smoke
Make a complaint about odour or smoke
National Volunteer Week
Information for volunteers
Volunteer opportunities
Volunteer resources
Information for volunteer leaders
List your volunteer opportunity
Planning permits and building permits
Your planning permit
Check if you need a planning permit
Ask us to confirm if you need a planning permit
Talk to one of our planners
Prepare your planning permit application
Submit your planning permit application
Submit a VicSmart planning permit application
Request miscellaneous consent or apply for a satisfaction matter
Assessing planning permit applications
Respond to a request for further information
Advertising applications for a planning permit
Outcomes of a planning permit application
Appeal a planning decision or process
Amend your application for a planning permit
Amend your VicSmart planning permit
Amend your approved planning permit
Extend your planning permit
Submit plans to satisfy planning permit conditions
Planning advice
Arborist report for planning applications
Clearing trees and vegetation - bushfire exemptions
Environmental significance overlay
Home-based businesses
Native vegetation removal and offsets
Neighbourhood character and your planning application
Nillumbik native vegetation offset program
Referral authorities for planning applications
Remove, lop or prune trees and native vegetation
Section 173 agreements
Tree protection zones
Planning application checklists
New use of land – 01P application checklist
Change to land use with buildings/works – 02P application checklist
Multi-dwelling build – 03P application checklist
Single dwelling buildings and works – 05P application checklist
Building and works commercial – 06P application checklist
New house Rural, Green Wedge Zone – 07P planning application checklist
Remove, destroy or lop trees or vegetation – 10P application checklist
Fast track tree removal – 10FP application checklist
Subdivide or consolidate land - 14P planning application checklist
Install signage application checklist – 17P application checklist
Home-based businesses – 18P application checklist
Amend or end Section 173 - 19P application checklist
View advertised applications for a planning permit
View list of planning permit applications
Make an objection or submission to a planning application
Make a planning application payment
Planning fees
Building permits
The building permit process
Apply for a building permit
Private building surveyors - online lodgement
Amend or extend a building permit
Other construction-related applications
Report and consent (dispensation)
Asset protection
Property information and certificates
Working in the road reserve
Protecting neighbouring properties
Make a building or infrastructure payment
Nillumbik Building Surveyors
Make a complaint about building work
Swimming pools and spas
Register your pool or spa
Request a pool or spa inspection
Lodge a pool or spa compliance or noncompliance certificate
Pay a swimming pool or spa infringement
Request a copy of the pool/spa registration letter
Waste water management and your property
Installing or altering a septic system
Maintaining your septic tank system
Infrastructure (roads, drains and paths)
Planning for Nillumbik's future
Nillumbik Planning Scheme
Heritage planning
Our Green Wedge
Green Wedge Management Plan and advocacy
Green Wedge information hub
Neighbourhood character
Major Activity Centres
Diamond Creek Major Activity Centre
Eltham Major Activity Centre
20-minute neighbourhoods
Projects and works
Planning Scheme Amendment VC253
Business permits and approvals
Starting, expanding or buying a business
Step 1: Prepare
Step 2: Apply
Step 3: Assessment
Step 4: Outcome
Step 5: Ongoing support
Planning and Business Concierge
Business permits
Food businesses
Health and beauty businesses
Accommodation businesses
Businesses on unserviced allotments
Other business permits
Your Business is our Business podcast
What is the Planning and Business Concierge?
Understanding planning permits
Planning permit FAQs
Business and strategic planning considerations
Understanding building permits
Business and community safety considerations
The Food Act explained
Health and beauty requirements
Home-based business considerations
Council support available for local businesses
Business permit resources
Factsheets for new businesses
Marketing support
Local trader and business associations
Promotion of our Visit Economy businesses
Northern Business Achievement Awards (NBAA)
Workshops and events
Tourism businesses
List your business with the ATDW
Yarra Ranges Tourism
Destination Management Plan
Accessible tourism
Tag @visitnillumbik
Get tourist signage
Creative businesses
Agricultural businesses
Sustainability for business
Council’s sustainability team
Circular economy
Recycling and waste reduction
Sustainable energy
Single use plastics
Local food production
Sustainable building
Your Business is our Business - Sustainability
Your eco-friendly home-based business
Elevating sustainable hospitality
Cultivating regenerative food systems
Greening your hair and beauty business
Building a resilient future - Innovation in construction
Navigating sustainable business strategies
Small Business Climate Adaptation Toolkit
Other types of support
Good Access for Good Business
Local training and mentoring
Wellbeing, financial and business support
Victorian Small Business Commission
Funding and support
Translation services
Greensborough Business Incubator
Economic Development Strategy
Contact us
How to contact us
Complaints and compliments
Making a complaint
Giving compliments or feedback
Mutual Respect Charter
Working at Nillumbik
Current vacancies
Work experience
Councillors, wards and elections
Mayor Cr John Dumaresq
Deputy Mayor Cr Naomi Joiner
Councillor Grant Brooker
Councillor Kelly Joy
Councillor Peter Perkins
Councillor Kim Cope
Councillor Kate McKay
Council elections
Candidate information register
Campaign donations
Nillumbik wards
Local ward meetings
Council and PCC meetings
Council meetings
Meeting schedule
Agendas and minutes for Council meetings
Attend or ask a question
Watch the meeting online
Lodge a petition
Planning and Consultation Committee meetings
Meeting schedule
Agendas and minutes
Speak at a meeting
Watch the meeting
Local ward meetings
Advisory and other committees
Advisory committees
Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee
Panton Hill Bushland Reserves System User Group Advisory Committee
Inclusion and Access Advisory Committee
Economic Development Advisory Committee
Health and Wellbeing Advisory Committee
Environment and Sustainability Advisory Committee
Living & Learning Nillumbik Advisory Committee
Nillumbik Youth Council
Positive Ageing Advisory Committee
Recreation Trails Advisory Committee
Planning and Consultation Committee FAQs
Audit and Risk Committee
CEO Employment Matters Committee
External committee representation
Facilities and property
Council facilities for hire
Facilities for hire - enquiry form
Community venues for hire
Enquire about leasing or licensing Council land
Enquire about purchasing Council land
Community flag request
Local laws
News and publications
Latest news
New Artist in Residence program supporting local artists
Remembering Anzac Day in Nillumbik
New Diamond Hills Preschool building opens for class
Emerging artists selected to take up Residency Program
Nillumbik News
Nillumbik eNews
Arts and Cultural Development
Ageing Well in Nillumbik
Business in Nillumbik
Disability Inclusion eNewsletter
Environment and Sustainability
Living & Learning Nillumbik
Club Development Update
Public notices
Strategies, policies and plans
Our organisation
Community Satisfaction Survey
Executive leadership team
Governance and public transparency
Freedom of information
Public Interest Disclosures
Strategies, policies and plans
Annual Report
Community Vision
Council Plan and Budget
Health and Wellbeing Plan
Financial Plan
Customer First Strategy
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