Next date: Thursday, 20 March 2025 | 10:00 AM to 04:00 PM
Reach & Belong offers NDIS supported programs for adults and teenagers with disabilities.
The sewing group offers wonderful experiences for participants to improve their fine motor skills, sewing confidence and creativity. Many of the participants have no experience before beginning the program and are completing impressive projects in a very short time.
With participants having the opportunity to choose what they sew, it truly invites and encourages creativity.
Sue, an impressive sewer will guide participants through learning new skills and giving advice, while letting participants have creative control.
The programs are NDIS compatible – funding may be used to pay for programs.
Hurstbridge Community Hub, 50 Graysharps Road, Hurstbridge, 3099, View map
50 Graysharps Road , Hurstbridge 3099
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This event occurs every 1 week(s) on Thursday for 40 times.
NDIS supported - your funding may pay for programs