Friends groups

A man is kneeling on a leafy area holding a native seedling

A Friends group is a group of volunteers with an interest in a particular park, reserve or species of native plant or animal. The groups are generally named after their area of focus, such as Friends of Watery Gully.

Volunteers work with Council’s Environmental Works Officers to plan works and get involved in planting, weed control, mulching, plant and animal monitoring, as well as special events such as National Tree Day. 

Friends groups play a vital role in protecting threatened natural environments, as well as making Nillumbik a more beautiful place to live.

It’s a great way to meet new people, learn new skills and help protect and enhance our significant bushland reserves. You’ll feel connected to your local area, improve your physical and mental wellbeing, connect with others and have fun! 

What to expect 

Many groups organise monthly work activities and a yearly calendar of events. Other groups are more informal, and run a small number of activities each year. The groups each determine how they operate, but whatever way they operate, it’s a great forum for local residents to meet and share a common interest.

Each group has a convenor who will induct new members, and the groups are supported by an Environmental Works Officer within Council.

What’s required

  • Activities generally run for two hours, but there is no time commitment.
  • Volunteers must wear appropriate gear including gloves, long trousers, long-sleeved shirt, sunscreen and a hat. 
  • Volunteers need their own transport, however groups can car pool. If you are interested in joining a group and don’t have transport, please contact the Environment Works and Land Management team to discuss. 

Who it’s for

All ages are suitable and no experience is required. 

You can learn from the groups and training can be provided by Council as required. Training can help you get an understanding of issues related to land management and biodiversity conservation. You can also get informal training from Environmental Works officers at group activities in areas such as plant identification, revegetation techniques, weed control and using tools.

There are also opportunities to volunteer in less physical roles. Some groups like to keep their members up to date with what is happening in their park or reserve and local area through a regular newsletter. Others like to inform the neighbourhood of upcoming activities and events to encourage new members. If being out on site or physical work is difficult,most friends groups will offer other opportunities and ways to contribute.

More information can be found in the Friends group manual(PDF, 2MB).

How to get involved

Upcoming events


  • 2 March - Friends of Watery Gully Clean Up Australia event
  • 6 March - Friends of Bunjil Food Fibre & Medicine Garden (tree guard maintenance and weeding) from 1pm-3pm. Meet at Bishops Rd entrance to Bunjil Reserve, down the hill from the firefighters car park in Panton Hill
  • 8 March - Friends of Diamond Creek - Hurstbridge (weeding)
  • 9 March - Friends of Edendale platypus revegetation works
  • 16 March - Friends of Plenty River Walk (spreading mulch, removing tree guards where plants have outgrown them, potting up native seedlings in preparation for future planting, removing rubbish
  • 16 March - Friends of Temple Ridge bone seed removal
  • 30 March - Friends of the Diamond Creek Eltham Lower Park tree guard maintenance and weeding
  • 30 March - Friends of Karingal Yalloc mulching
  • 30 March - Friends of Woodridge Linear Reserve hand weeding and maintenance


  • 3 April - Friends of Bunjil Food Fibre & Medicine Garden tree guard maintenance and weeding from 1pm-3pm. Meet at Bishops Rd entrance to Bunjil Reserve, down the hill from the firefighters car park in Panton Hill. 
  • 6 April - Friends of Watery Gully weeding
  • 6 April - Friends of Mines Rd Reserve habitat management activities
  • 12 April - Friends of Diamond Creek - Hurstbridge weeding
  • 13 April - Friends of Edendale plant care working bee
  • 13 April - Friends of the Aqueduct planting
  • 19 April - Friends of Yarramie weeding
  • 27 April - Friends of Karingal Yalloc weeding
  • 27 April - Friends of the Diamond Creek - Eltham Lower Park tree guard maintenance and weeding

Join a group

To join a group, email the convenor. 


Friends of Diamond Creek, Eltham Lower Park
Contact Sue Dyet
Call 9439 1175

Friends of the Eltham Copper Butterfly
Contact Wayne Kinrade
Call 0414 880 658

Friends of Edendale
Contact Alan Thatcher

Friends of the Eyrie Reserve
Third Sunday of every month 10am-12pm
Zig Zag Rd access (opposite number 96 Zig Zag Road)
Contact Jennifer Willshire
Call 0415 332 723

Friends of Woodridge Linear Reserve 
Contact Karin Diamond, Convenor
Call 0409 416 220

Friends of Karingal Yalloc
Contact Ian Burns
Call 9435 8603

Friends of McMahon Ball Paddock 
Contact Jill Kellow
Call 9439 2194

Friends of Frank St Reserve
Contact Anne

Friends of Biodiversity - Hohnes Hill
Contact Vicky Shukuroglou
Call 0410 425 485

Friends of Green Place 
Contact Evan Gellert

Friends of the Eltham Platypus
Contact Rebecca Kable, Convenor
Call 0404 466 502


Friends of Plenty River Walk
Contact Colin Broughton 
Website Friends of Plenty River Walk 


Friends of Diamond Creek - Hurstbridge
Contact Bill Hall
Call 0408 124 564

Friends of Temple Ridge
Contact Merrilyn Sanderson

Kangaroo Ground

Friends of Moor-rul Reconciliation Grasslands
Contact Jill Kellow


Friends of Mine Road Reserve
Contact Peter Yates/Sarah Brenan
Call 0417 421 610

Panton Hill

Bunjil food, fibre and medicine garden
Contact Penelope Aitken
Call 0411 274 472


Friends of Yarramie Reserve
Contact Therese Scales
Call 9437 2429

Friends of Swipers Gully Creek
Contact Joy Pagon
Call 0400 878 950

Friends of Grove Street
Contact Corinne Mays
Call 0407 879 932

Wattle Glen

Friends of Watery Gully
Contact George Collins (interim contact)
Call 0474 822 858

If there isn’t a Friends group in your area, contact Council to discuss.