Wine-lipped Spider Orchid
The Wine-lipped Spider-orchid (Caladenia oenochila) is a tall (to 30cm), hairy, erect, terrestrial orchid which has a wiry stem. It displays 1-2 sweetly perfumed flowers which are pale yellow-green with very dark red hairs on the tips and outer surface. The labellum or lip is undivided and is deep, dark red which is paler towards the base.
Wine-lipped Spider-orchid mostly occupies hillcrests and exposed hill slopes. Most of the sites where it has been recorded are consistent with Box Stringybark Woodland (Grassy Dry Forest). Vegetation commonly associated with Wine-lipped Spider orchids typically supports a rich diversity of shrubs, particularly peas and wattles, with a high diversity of grasses, daisies and other orchids. It also occurs in damp and valley sclerophyll forest and is associated with Creekline Herb-rich Woodland, Herb-rich Foothill Forest and Valley Grassy Forest. It prefers moist, well drained soils. The Shire of Nillumbik contains one of the largest concentrations of Wine-lip Spider-orchid in Victoria. This includes the largest known population of the species (over 800 plants in a reserve in St Andrews). All other populations are relatively small and many have declined over the last decade. The species is also localised in parts of outer-eastern Melbourne, including within the Dandenong Ranges.
The Wine-lipped Spider-orchid is listed as Vulnerable in Victoria. This rare orchid is uncommon due to habitat loss from land development. Other threats include weed invasion, grazing, predation, soil disturbance, shading from built structures and vegetation clearance. To conserve and minimise impacts of grazing and predation on the Wine-lipped Spider-orchid fencing and/or caging has been implemented. Hand pollination is often undertaken due to the absence or low abundance of natural pollinators and seed is collected and sown to help increase population sizes.
A program to propogate these orchids is underway with the help of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne.