Round-leaf Pomaderris
The Round-leaf Pomaderris (Pomaderris vacciniifolia) is a medium shrub that grows to 3-4 metres high. It has small round leaves that are dark green and shiny on the upper surface and white below. The flowers are small and creamy white which occur in the leaf axil and bloom from October to November. Within Nillumbik the species are found in Valley Grassy Forest EVC dominated by Yellow Box and Candlebark. Around St Andrews it is also found within Creek-line Herb-rich Woodland EVC dominated by a Swamp Gum Eucalyptus ovata in wetter sites and Yellow Box Eucalyptus melliodora and Candlebark Eucalyptus rubida along alluvial terraces.
The Round-leaf Pomaderris are only recorded in Victoria and are found in small populations in mountain forest around Kinglake, Castella and Toolangi. In Nillumbik the species are found on roadsides in St Andrews and at reserves in Christmas Hills, St Andrews and Eltham. The Round-leaf Pomaderris is listed as threatened under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 and is endangered in Victoria. It is currently being considered for listing under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
Recently, concerns have risen about the plant failing to reproduce successfully due to a number of factors including the previous prolonged drought and preference for a particular type of habitat. Other threats include natural and anthropogenic disturbances such as land clearence, browsing by deer, rabbits and hares, and weed invasion.
In February 2009, The Black Saturday Bushfires destroyed 98% of Kinglake National Park. This had a devastating impact on the Round-leaf Pomaderris and other native flora and fauna. Few years later Kinglake National Park is on its way to recovery. Populations of Round-leaf Pomaderris were surveyed and surveys have shown impressive regeneration of this species within Kinglake National Park and a healthy population now occurs within the national park.