Snakes in Nillumbik

Photo of an eastern brown snake coiled up on grass


Nillumbik is home to several species of snakes.

They are usually seen near a water source like a creek, river or wetland and become more active in the warmer months, so in spring and summer be on the lookout for snakes. 

Warning: snakes can be highly dangerous. Never try to capture, kill or harm a snake, it is illegal to do so and also highly dangerous.

Snakes are protected under the Wildlife Act 1975.

Common snakes in Nillumbik

The following types of snakes may be found in any area of Nillumbik

Eastern Brown Snake

A large, slender brown snake up to two metres long and pale to dark brown.

The Eastern Brown Snake can be seen during daylight hours in a variety of habitats including wet and dry bushland areas. This rapidly moving reptile feeds on small mammals and reptiles. It is dangerous and highly venomous.

Tiger Snake

Thick-bodied and up to one metre long. Upper surface has dark brown and yellow brown bands, but can be variable in colour. Tiger Snakes live in a broad range of habitats and have a diet mainly consisting of frogs. They are active during the day, but nocturnal in the warmer months.

They can be aggressive if disturbed. It is dangerous and highly venomous.

Red Belly Black Snake

A medium-sized snake, with a moderate to robust build and head barely distinct from the neck. Head and body colour is uniform black, except for the snout which is often pale brown. Underneath they are bright crimson, fading to duller red, orange or pink in the middle of the belly. They are a shy snake and will generally only deliver a serious bite under severe aggravation. It is dangerous and highly venomous.

Lowland Copperhead

Lowland Copperheads usually have a coppery-brown coloration of the head and particularly the snout. They are robust and muscular in build. The back and upper sides are semi-glossy and uniformly blackish to grey brown in colour, with a brownish or orange tinge. Lowland Copperheads have been recorded overwintering in shallow shelters such as under large rocks, logs, roofing iron and tractor tires and in piles of hay bales usually near water. Copperheads prefer to avoid encounters with humans. It is dangerous highly venomous.


Snakes on your property

Warmer weather means an increased chance of seeing snakes in your area.

Nillumbik is home to several species of snakes that become more active in the warmer months. They are usually seen near creeks, rivers or wetlands.

Here’s how to discourage scaly neighbours from visiting your property:

  • Clean up around your house, removing piles of rocks and timber, sheets of metal, or building materials.
  • Ensure your garden is well maintained. Make sure you wear gloves and footwear while gardening and avoid nooks where snakes may hide.
  • If you come across a snake, calmly walk away and call a snake catcher to remove it if needed.

If you see a snake in high-use public areas, please contact us on 9433 3111 and we will investigate. Council does not provide a snake catching service for snakes found on private property.

Need help removing a snake? Call the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action on 136 186 and they can provide a list of snake controllers in your area.

Snakes on Council-owned land

If a snake is in its natural habitat, keep calm, stay away from the area and simply leave it alone.

If you see a snake in a high-use area such as a playground, sportsground, building or barbeque move away, keeping an eye on its location from a distance.

Please contact Council on 03 9433 3111 to notify us and we will investigate.

Snakes on Nillumbik’s trails

Most of Nillumbik’s trail network is along water courses.

During spring and summer snakes are often sighted basking in the sun on the path or moving across the trail. These areas are often the natural habitat for snakes.

Users of the trails should be aware of snakes when using the trail network.