Your planning permit includes start and completion dates.
Most permits state that the permit holder for development or change of land use must start within two years of the approval date and complete the work within four years.
A subdivision permit requires that the plan of subdivision is certified within two years or registered at Land Victoria within five years of the certification date.
Timeframes for requesting an extension
Not started using or developing land
If the use or development allowed by the permit has not yet started, you can apply to extend the permit while it is current or up to six months after the permit start date expires.
Started use or development
If the development allowed by the permit starts before the permit expires, you can apply to extend it up to 12 months after the permit expiry completion date.
We cannot extend a permit if the request is made outside the above timeframes.
Missed the timeframes
If you want to extend outside of these timeframes, you must lodge and pay fees for a new application.