A Total Fire Ban has been declared for Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 February. The Fire Danger Rating is Extreme. The Recycling Centre and Reuse Shop in Plenty will be closed due to the Total Fire Ban.
Visit the CFA website
Applicants or objectors who disagree with a planning permit decision can apply to VCAT (the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal) to review it.
As the permit applicant you can apply to review the:
You can also appeal if a decision hasn’t been made on your application within the set time.
If you objected to an application you can appeal if you are not satisfied with the decision or proposed permit conditions.
Information on how to apply for a review is supplied with the:
To lodge an appeal go to VCAT planning disputes.
After Council gives notice of our decision, you can apply for an appeal within:
To look up an appeal, use our current VCAT appeals register.
VCAT is a Victorian Government tribunal that deals with different types of disputes, including planning disputes.
To find out more go to VCAT, call 1300 018 228 or email admin@vcat.vic.gov.au.
Other resources:
9433 3343