Check if you need a planning permit Activities that need a permit, and planning controls that apply to your property. How to find out if you need a permit.
Ask us to confirm if you need a planning permit Confirm whether you need a permit or not in writing. What information to include when you apply, what happens next.
Talk to one of our planners If you know you need a planning permit, talk to us before you apply. Identify any issues, ensure your application is complete and make the process smoother.
Prepare your planning permit application Where to find the documents or information you need to include when you apply. Who to talk to about your proposal before you apply.
Submit your planning permit application Register and submit your application for a planning permit online. Choose the right type for what you are proposing.
Submit a VicSmart planning permit application A streamlined process for simpler applications. Find out about eligibility and how to prepare and submit your application.
Request miscellaneous consent or apply for a satisfaction matter Apply to vary your ‘obligations’ on a land title Section 173 Agreement. Or apply for approval for proposed car parking or other requirements.
Assessing planning permit applications Your planning permit application is reviewed by different teams and authorities. Find out who assesses and the steps taken to make a decision.
Respond to a request for further information Missing details or a need to clarify – what to do if we ask for further information. What happens if you don’t meet the deadline.
Advertising applications for a planning permit Applications proposing a development or change of land use are advertised if we think they will affect those around it. Find out where we advertise and why.
Outcomes of a planning permit application One of three things will happen when a planning decision is made - a permit is issued, a permit is refused, or we tell you that we will grant a permit if no one objects.
Appeal a planning decision or process If you are unhappy with the outcome of a planning permit application, you can appeal to VCAT. Find out reasons and timeframes for asking for a review.
Amend your application for a planning permit How to change a planning permit application before it is assessed. If your proposal has already been advertised you pay a fee. It then starts moving through the normal assessment process.
Amend your approved planning permit The way you apply to amend to your approved planning permit depends on your proposed changes. Minor changes - apply for secondary consent. Major changes - Section 72.
Amend your VicSmart planning permit Permits with ‘VS’ in the number are VicSmart permits. How to apply online to change your permit, what information to supply.
Extend your planning permit Find out the timeframes within which you can ask for an extension to your planning permit. How to apply, information we need, what happens next.
Submit plans to satisfy planning permit conditions What to do if we have asked you to change details in your proposed plans. Final step to your planning permit.