Trail realignment at Diamond Creek netball courts

  • Project typeTrail realignment
  • Project value$85,000
  • Project scheduleWorks commenced May 2024 and were completed August 2024.

As part of our 2023/2024 trails upgrade program, a section of the Diamond Creek trail near the Diamond Creek netball courts was identified as a priority for upgrade works.

Works included

  • A 200-metre section of the trail will be realigned and widened to three metres
  • The footbridge will also be widened, and raised to avoid future flooding

During this time an alternate route will be in place in both directions. The alternate route will run from Marngrook Oval, via the dog park and Diamond Creek Regional Play Space to rejoin the trail at Campbell Street Oval. See a map of the new alignment and detour below under 'Photo gallery' (click the image to expand).

Project updates

  • August 2024 - works are now completed.


Why is council undertaking these works?
This is a high traffic area, and the realignment and widening of this section will make it safer for all users, particularly when passing. Works will also connect the trail to accessible parking bays.

Will any trees be removed?
Two immature trees will be moved to accommodate the realignment. The trees will be replanted in the precinct.

Why are you raising this section of the trail?
Sections of this alignment have been prone to flooding in the past. Realigning to higher ground and raising the path in sections will help prevent future inundation.

What will happen to the existing trail?
The existing path will be removed and will be reinstated as open space, seeded with grass.

Parkrun realignment map FINAL.png


Yellow line indicates the existing trail.
Pink line indicates the realignment works.
Red line indicates the detour.


2 Diamond Street, Diamond Creek 3089  View map

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