Apply for hoarding consent

In accordance with Regulation 116 of the Building Regulations 2018, precautions such as hoarding (temporary fencing) must be taken before and during building work to protect the safety of public as part of the building permit process.

If your building work requires any part of a public access way or area of Council property to be fenced off – you will need consent from Council to install the precautions.

What is hoarding?

Hoarding refers to temporary fencing or barricades that are installed around a building site. The purpose of hoarding is to protect the public and to secure the site when it is unattended.

Do I need hoarding consent?

You will need hoarding consent if your building works require any part of a public access way to be fenced off.

This may include:

  • fencing off part of a road/footpath
  • erecting a hoarding, scaffolding or overhead protective awning
  • using a mobile crane or travel tower for any building works
  • occupation of car parking bays

Even if a Building Permit is not required, or the work you are carrying out isn't 'building work' (for example, painting not associated with a building project) you will still need consent for hoarding if it impacts a public access way or any area of Council land.

How to apply

Apply online

Step 1.Determine if consent is required

We recommend consulting your building surveyor or Nillumbik Building Surveyors.

Step 2.Prepare supporting documentation

Along with your application, you will need to attach to the online form:

  • A written statement from the relevant building surveyor, approving the method of protection of the public
  • A copy of certificate of currency for public liability insurance to minimum $10 million
  • A completed Traffic Management Plan
  • A copy of detailed plans, fully dimensioned and drawn to scale, showing:
    • location of hoardings with dimensions
    • location of kerbs, building line, nearest intersecting street, street furniture, signs, power poles, traffic lights, bins, bus stops, street trees etc
    • location of any hoisting zone
    • location of buildings on site, existing/to be retained/proposed
    • details of type of hoarding proposed (sections, elevations, structural details)
    • method of bracing to avoid collapse

Step 3.Submit the online form

Apply for hoarding consent


Hoarding consent will be issued subject to conditions including;

  • The permit must be securely affixed to the outside face of the boarding
  • The permit will include conditions such as safety lighting to be provided, restriction and advertising on hoardings, duration approved for the occupation of the street, responsibility of damage to public property or injury to persons occurs, etc.
  • The approval of the design, structural adequacy and suitability of the public protection precautions (hoardings etc) is the responsibility of the relevant building surveyor for the project and this must be obtained before building works commence on this date.
  • The location and type of hoarding etc must be in accordance with the plans submitted and approved by Council.
  • No damage is to be caused to any Council or other authority asset. If damage is caused to any Council or other authorities asset it must be repaired by the applicant under Council supervision to Council standard, at the applicant’s owners cost.
  • A clear footpath width of 1.5m must be provided at all times for pedestrian use. This clear width must be maintained with a satisfactory hard surface pavement over its entire length, with no irregularities, to ensure safe pedestrian usage at all times.
  • The hoarding must have a smooth outside surface finish, with no provisions, and be adequately signed and illuminated to ensure pedestrian safety at all times. (Permanent electric lighting must meet the requirements and satisfaction of the appropriate Electricity Authority and must be vandal proof).
  • No advertisement signs or placards shall be placed on or affixed to any hoarding, other than precautionary measures signage, and every hoarding shall be constructed to leave all traffic signals and signs in the vicinity clearly visible to motorists and pedestrians at all times.
  • The legal responsibility and liability for any claim lodged for injury or damage to any person or property, which may arise from the presence of the hoarding, rests with the applicant.

Should you wish to discuss any of the above, please contact Nillumbik Building Surveyors on 03 9433 3243 or


The application fee for hoarding consent is $325 plus occupation fee calculated at $5 per square metre per week (min $100 per day). These amounts are correct as of 1 July 2024.

After your application is received, an invoice will be sent to you via email. This email will contain instructions about how to pay.

What happens next?

After your application is received, an invoice will be sent to you via email. This email will contain instructions about how to pay the application fee.

Once your application fee has been paid and all plans etc are received, the site will be inspected. A written response will then be sent to you via email within 15 business days.