Health and Wellbeing Plan

The Nillumbik Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 outlines our commitment to address health and wellbeing priorities and reduce inequalities over the next four years. It reflects the priorities of our community, and our health and wellbeing partners - who we will work with to deliver this plan.

Our priorities for the next four years:

  • Social inclusion and connection
  • Community and climate resilience
  • Gender equality and prevention of family violence
  • Physical activity
  • Food
  • Reducing harm from alcohol, other drugs and gambling. 

This Plan is one of Council’s key strategic documents - it complements the Council Plan 2021-2025 and is a critical step in achieving the Community Vision - Nillumbik 2040. It also helps achieve state-wide health and wellbeing priorities of the Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2019-2023.

Help shape the next Health and Wellbeing Plan 2025-2029

Council is currently developing the next Health and Wellbeing Plan. It will be ready by October 2025.

There are a number of steps involved in developing the Plan.

These include:

  • reviewing evidence and data about health and social needs
  • listening to the community
  • working with local organisations and groups
  • guidance from the Health and Wellbeing Advisory Committee
  • aligning to the Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2023-2027.

To stay up-to-date and find out how you can share your ideas and feedback, visit Participate Nillumbik.

View the Health and Wellbeing Plan

Please note this document is best viewed in 'fullscreen' mode, by clicking the square icon in the bottom right. A PDF version and an Easy English version are available for download below.


Nillumbik Community Profile 2025

The Nillumbik Community Health and Wellbeing Profile 2025 has been developed to inform the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2025-2029 and other strategic plans. The aim of this document is to provide an examination of data about health status and health determinants in Nillumbik, an equity lens was applied.

The Snapshots and Factsheets provide shorter summaries of the key findings, these are grouped by health priority area or priority population. A plain-text, large font version is also available.

These resources can be used by local services, community groups and community members for:

  • informed decision making
  • planning and project development
  • funding applications
  • advocacy.

Download the resources:

Community Alcohol Profile 2023

In 2023, with funding from VicHealth, Council developed a ‘Community Alcohol Profile’ in order to better understand the drinking culture and alcohol-related harms in Nillumbik. This project aligned to the ‘Reducing harm from alcohol, other drugs and gambling’ priority area in the Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025. The Community Alcohol Profile analysed data and research from a number of sources, including local surveys and focus groups.

Useful links

  • VicHealth - Victoria's leading health promotion foundation, focussing on promoting good health and preventing chronic disease
  • Victorian Department of Health - The Victorian Government department responsible for all health services, mental health, ageing and aged care, and preventative health
  • Better Health Channel - Provides health and medical information that is quality assured, reliable, up to date, easy to understand, regularly reviewed and locally relevant
  • LiveLighter Campaign - Promotes healthy eating and physical activity through information and resources
  • Heart Foundation - Aims to improve health through funding world-class cardiovascular research, guidelines for health professionals, informing the public and assisting people with cardiovascular disease
  • Victorian Cancer Council - Aims to reduce the impact of all cancers for all Victorians
  • Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation - An independent agency responsible for reducing problem gambling and minimising harm from gambling
  • National Health Services Directory - A not for profit community resource about local health services