Public notices
Nillumbik Shire Council
Public Notice of Intention to Sell Land -
311A Yan Yean Road, Plenty
In accordance with section 114 of the Local Government Act 2020 (the Act), Nillumbik Shire Council hereby gives public notice of its intention to sell the land known as 311A Yan Yean Road, Plenty, being the land contained in Certificate of Title Volume 11371 Folio 358 and shown as Reserve 1 on Plan of Subdivision PS416599M on the plan below (Reserve).
The Reserve is proposed to be sold by private treaty to the owner of the adjoining land at 311 Yan Yean Road, Plenty (Adjoining Owner) for the current market value of $10,000 plus GST.
The proposed sale of the Reserve will be conditional on:
a. Council removing the reserve status from the land under section 24A of the Subdivision Act 1988;
b. the Adjoining Owner:
i. consolidating the Reserve with the balance of the land at 311 Yan Yean Road, Plenty; and
ii. constructing a new fence on the boundary of the Reserve and the adjoining road reserve, within 6 months after the Settlement Date; and
c. the Adjoining Owner paying all of Council’s costs incurred in connection with the removal of the reserve status of the Reserve and the sale of land.

Have your say
Council is inviting submissions on this proposal to sell the land. Any person wishing to make a submission on the proposal must do so in writing before 11.59pm Friday 28 March 2025.
You can:
- post your submission to Chief Executive Officer, Nillumbik Shire Council, PO Box 476 Greensborough 3088
- email your submission to
- provide your submission in person at the Council offices, 32 Civic Drive, Greensborough.
If you require an alternate way to provide feedback, contact Council on 9433 3111.
In your submission, please quote reference no. FOL/22/5161.
Anyone making such submissions may request to be heard in support of their submission, either in person or by a person acting on their behalf, before a Planning and Consultation Committee (PCC) meeting established for this purpose. The person making the submission will be notified in writing of the day, time and place of the meeting.
Council will not make a final decision on whether to sell the land or otherwise until it has considered all submissions in accordance with Section 114 of the Act.
Any person making a written submission under section 114 of the Act is advised that details of submissions may be included within the official Council Agendas and Minutes which are public documents and are made available on Council’s website.
Enquiries may be directed to Natalie Campion, Coordinator Property at Nillumbik Shire Council, telephone 9433 3204 or by email to
Carl Cowie
Chief Executive Officer