Recreation Trails Advisory Committee expressions of interest open

Published on 11 April 2023

A montage of photos including a cyclist, horse and rider, and two joggers on outdoor trails

Nillumbik Shire Council is seeking expressions of interest from locals to join the Recreation Trails Advisory Committee (RTAC) for a two-year term, from June 2023 to June 2025.

The committee needs 12 volunteers who know the area well and use our vast recreation trails in a range of different ways, representing varied backgrounds, experiences and interests.

The committee’s aim is to provide Council with specialist advice, support the development and review of new and existing recreation strategies and plans, and strengthen community participation in relation to trail issues and activities.

The Committee will include two Nillumbik Shire Council councillors as Chair and alternate Chair, plus 12 Nillumbik Shire residents from the following representative interest groups: Landcare, or Friends of Landcare, horse riding, cycling, walking, urban and rural communities, tourism, and people with disability, or an advocate.

The advisory committee will meet three times a year in March, July and November, with additional special meetings as required.

Specific committee objectives are set out in the Terms of Reference, and include providing feedback on key trail development proposals, or matters that arise along the trails that impact usage and condition. Council also seeks committee recommendations on recreation trail development proposals and funding applications relating to the Northern Regional Trails Strategy and Nillumbik Trails Action Plan. 

Recreation Trails Advisory Committee Terms of Reference(PDF, 368KB)

Applications will be assessed against the selection criteria listed in the Terms of Reference. 

What’s involved?

  • The Advisory Committee, consisting of 12 members, will meet three times per year in March, July and November.
  • The dates for the 2023 meetings are 26 July 6.30pm-7.30pm and 15 November 6.30pm-7.30pm at the Council Offices, Civic Drive, Greensborough.
  • Subcommittees for specific projects may be convened as required and meet on a more frequent basis. 
  • Broader community involvement will be advertised as required for on-ground activities.
  • Reasonable supports will be provided for members to participate in meetings. This will be negotiated with the members as needed.
  • An induction and orientation process will take place for all members at the start of the advisory committee term. Each member will sign a declaration to abide by the conduct obligations.
  • The committee is chaired by an appointed Councillor, with a second Councillor to act as chair in the appointed Councillor’s absence.
  • Members will work with Council on the objectives set out in the Terms of Reference.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for people who live in the Shire of Nillumbik, representing a broad range of interest groups who use our recreation trails.

The Advisory Committee membership will consist of up to 12 members and will include: 

  • Two councillors from the Nillumbik Shire Council – one as Chair, one as alternate Chair.
  • Twelve Shire residents, selected to reflect a range of interests, expertise and experience including:
  • Two Friends of, or Landcare representatives
  • Two community horse riding representatives
  • Two cycling representatives
  • Two walking group representatives
  • Two general community representatives, one urban and one rural
  • One tourism representative
  • One person with a disability, or advocate on behalf of people with a disability

Express your interest

Applications have now closed. 

For further information, contact Shane Joules at the Recreation and Leisure team by emailing 

After we have considered your expression of interest, we might ask to speak to you to learn more.

We will let everyone who applied know the outcome of their application post Council meeting on 27 June 2023.