Planning for the future of housing in Nillumbik

Published on 01 July 2024


With the release of the State Government’s Housing Statement last year, you may have heard recent reports about the draft housing targets that have been set for Victorian councils.

These draft targets represent the number of new homes proposed to be built in each local government area by 2051, with an initial focus of 800,000 new homes in Victoria over the next decade, and 2.2 million new homes by 2051.

For Nillumbik, a draft target of 12,000 new homes by 2051 has been set – an increase of almost 53 per cent on current levels.

The State Government has determined these targets using a modelling process that takes into account future transport network improvements and accessibility, environmental constraints, including flooding and bushfire, heritage significance and access to jobs and education.

As the closest level of government to local communities, councils play an important role in setting the strategic direction for local planning and development.

We recognise the need to increase the number and types of available housing in areas where our community needs it most, close to infrastructure, services, jobs and transport.

However, we need to do this in a way that supports what our community values so highly about living in the Green Wedge Shire, particularly the protection of Nillumbik’s unique character and environment.

Over the past few years, Council has been working on several key strategies to help guide future development in Nillumbik including the Neighbourhood Character Strategy, adopted in December 2023, Eltham and Diamond Creek Major Activity Centre Structure Plans, adopted in 2020, and the draft Housing Strategy, which is currently being prepared.

These strategies have been developed through robust consultation with our community who have told us what is important to them about living in the Green Wedge Shire.

More than 100 people provided a submission on our draft Housing Strategy, which was developed in collaboration with our Community Reference Group. The community is now invited to make a verbal submission on the draft at Council’s Planning and Consultation Committee Meeting on Tuesday 16 July. Applications to speak at the meeting can be made at Council’s website.

The draft housing targets will have implications for some of our adopted strategies, particularly the draft Housing Strategy. More will be known when the final targets are expected to be released later this year as part of the new Plan for Victoria.

While it was hoped the Housing Strategy would be adopted during this term of Council, the draft will need to be further updated to reflect the final housing targets and will be released for another round of consultation in 2025.

Meanwhile, Council is preparing a submission to the State Government on the Plan for Victoria and the draft housing targets, and will be advocating strongly for our community, highlighting Nillumbik’s unique planning settings and the challenges that come with that in the provision of housing in a Green Wedge shire.

Submissions are expected to open early this month (July) until 30 August. Community consultation on Plan for Victoria through Engage Victoria is currently open.

Community members are encouraged to make their own submissions on the Plan for Victoria and draft housing targets. Find out more and have your say at Engage Victoria.