Help shape Nillumbik - Now and Beyond - survey closes Sunday!
Published on 03 February 2025
Today, we launch a major community engagement initiative - Nillumbik - Now and Beyond - and we want to hear from you. Share your thoughts and aspirations and help shape the future of the Shire by answering questions in our survey.
Feedback and ideas gathered from the community will support the development of the Council Plan 2025-29 and the Health and Wellbeing Plan 2025-29. Additionally, responses will help us review our existing Community Vision - Nillumbik 2040, which captures the essence of what is most valued about our community and our Shire.
Mayor John Dumaresq said the plans prepared this year will guide the direction of Council for the next four years and determine goals and priorities.
“To truly reflect the needs, wants and objectives of our community, it’s important to have a broad range of voices and experiences represented in the Nillumbik – Now and Beyond survey,” Cr Dumaresq said.
“From environmental policy to libraries; playgrounds to public health, the survey is wide ranging and covers diverse topics.
“This is your opportunity to tell us what is important to you and what you think is needed to make our Shire thrive, not only over the next four years, but into the future as well,” Cr Dumaresq said.
Online survey
Council will undertake a broad-level community survey to identify what is important to those who live, work or play in Nillumbik, and the results will inform high-level priority areas. The survey is now open and will close on Sunday 2 March.
Complete the survey
If you would prefer to provide feedback in person or speak to our staff, you can visit one of our pop-up engagement sessions. These are informal sessions – simply drop by during the open times.
Eltham Square Rotunda - Sunday 16 February from 8am-1pm
Diamond Creek near the dog park - Saturday 22 February from 10am-3pm
Hurstbridge 920 Heidelberg-Kinglake Road - Saturday 1 March from 9am-2pm
Community Forum
In addition, Council will be running a Community Forum in May, comprising a diverse and representative cross section of Nillumbik residents, to explore key themes and provide in-depth input into the survey findings.
Forum participants will be recruited by an independent third party during Council’s Annual Community Survey process to help ensure representation reflects the wider Nillumbik community. The Annual Community Survey will begin on 1 February, when doorknockers will approach randomly selected houses and ask them questions about Council’s services.
Cr Dumaresq said the combination of engagement methods would ensure the community is at the heart of Council planning.
“We want to hear as many voices as possible, whether that be through surveys, via face-to-face conversations and participation in our pop-ups, or the Community Forum,” Cr Dumaresq said.
“Together, we can create plans that reflect our shared aspirations and ensure our community flourishes.
“Your ideas, concerns, and suggestions will directly influence the Council plans and priorities for the 2025-29 term and help shape Nillumbik – now and beyond,” he said.
The 2025-29 plans will be published later this year. You can also view our current plans – including the Council Plan 2021-25 and Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-25.