Have your say on Biodiversity in Nillumbik

Published on 26 June 2023


Council is developing a new Biodiversity Strategy to help protect and enhance the Shire’s unique and highly valued environment, and is calling on the local community to get involved.

The strategy will identify actions that will prioritise the health of Nillumbik’s natural environment and biodiversity and embed these actions into Council’s decision making.

Nillumbik Mayor Ben Ramcharan said “there are many factors that will inform the development of the new Biodiversity Strategy including research, environmental data and surveys, State Government policy and adopted Council strategies”.

“Your input is another essential factor,” he said. “Through recent community consultations, we have heard feedback about the local environment and topics that relate to biodiversity.”

“We know that our community love our natural environment and our Green Wedge and this is our chance to protect it well into the future.”

So far we have heard that people in Nillumbik:

  • Value the natural environment.
  • Support action to protect the natural environment.
  • Prioritise Nillumbik as the Green Wedge Shire and want to preserve the character of the Shire.
  • Support Council’s declaration of a Climate Emergency.

This feedback will be the starting point to informing the development of the new draft Biodiversity Strategy and will help shape later consultation opportunities once the draft Strategy is developed.

There are several ways to get involved - complete a survey, visit us at a pop-up session, or attend an on-line workshop.

You have until 30 July to provide your views and ideas for this initial engagement on the new Draft Biodiversity Strategy.

Then, in early 2024, you will have another opportunity to get involved when we release the draft Biodiversity Strategy for community feedback.  

To find out more visit, participate.nillumbik.vic.gov.au/biodiversity-strategy