Budget 2024-2025 released for public consultation

Published on 01 March 2024

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Improving the everyday lives of Nillumbik residents and ratepayers through high-quality service delivery and local infrastructure is the key focus of Council’s Budget 2024-2025, which has been released for public consultation.

Roads, trails, footpaths and infrastructure, rubbish and waste, and the care of our parks, reserves and open spaces remain among Council’s top priorities.

Family, children and community services, recreation and leisure, the environment and climate action are also top of the agenda.

Council this week endorsed the release of its draft Budget 2024-2025 for community consultation. Community members can view the document and provide feedback via Participate Nillumbik. Feedback closes at 5pm on Thursday 28 March.

The Budget sets the rates and charges for the next financial year and outlines spending including major capital works projects.

Nillumbik Mayor Ben Ramcharan said Council was committed to maintaining and improving core services for residents and ratepayers.

“I’m very excited to be putting this budget out for consultation. It’s responsible, balancing the needs of our community and our green wedge with the challenges of
a low rate base and reduced external grant funding,” Cr Ramcharan said.

Council is keeping the proposed rate increase of 2.75 per cent within the rate the rate cap set by the Minister for Local Government.

There is also a proposed 6.81 per cent increase to the domestic waste service charge. This increase is largely driven by the ongoing cost of rehabilitating the former Kangaroo Ground landfill site, a statutory requirement of the Environment Protection Authority (EPA).

Cr Ramcharan said the budget would fund a number of major initiatives and a $16.07 million capital works program.

“There is significant funding for the youth hub, which is a really key project of this Council, as well as the Municipal Planning Strategy, Neighbourhood Character Strategy and Housing Strategy planning scheme amendments, which will help protect what we love about where we live while also planning for future growth,” Cr Ramcharan said.

“There’s funding towards environmental volunteering, which I’m very passionate about, supporting people to volunteer in our precious green wedge. And, of course, funding for the ongoing implementation of our Climate Action Plan, including the Nillumbik Environment Climate Action Hub at Edendale.”

Highlights of the proposed $16.07 million capital works program include:

  • $4.9 million to renew and upgrade roads and carparks, drainage and public buildings.
  • $345,000 to renew and upgrade public open spaces and playgrounds.
  • $647,000 to complete major capital works projects including the upgrade to Ryans Reserve and the new Changing Places public toilet facility in Alistair Knox Park.

The capital works program builds on projects already underway or about to start including the new Diamond Hills Preschool, the upgrade to the Diamond Valley Library outdoor space, and a new roof for two Diamond Creek netball courts.

View the draft budget and provide feedback at Participate Nillumbik.