Advisory committees

Council has a range of advisory committees that provide an important mechanism for consultation with the community and key stakeholders. Advisory committees provide advice to Council but do not make formal decisions.

Advisory committee Councillor representative 
Arts and Cultural Advisory Committee Cr Kim Cope
Economic Development Advisory Committee Cr Grant Brooker (Chair)
Cr Naomi Joiner
Environment and Sustainability Advisory Committee Cr Kate McKay (Chair)
Cr Kelly Joy (Alternate Chair)
Health and Wellbeing Advisory Committee Cr Kelly Joy (Chair)
Cr Grant Brooker
Inclusion and Access Advisory Committee Cr Peter Perkins (Chair)
Living & Learning Advisory Committee Cr Grant Brooker
Panton Hill Bushland Reserves System User Group Advisory Committee Cr Naomi Joiner (Chair)
Positive Ageing Advisory Committee Cr Peter Perkins (Chair)
Recreation Trails Advisory Committee Cr Kelly Joy (Chair)
Cr Kim Cope
Youth Council Advisory Committee Cr Kate McKay
Youth Council Mayor chairs meetings

Advisory Committee Policy

The Advisory Committee Policy sets out explicit standards of behaviour to help Advisory Committee Members perform their duties and functions as Advisory Committee Members to the requisite level.

Advisory Committee Policy 2024(PDF, 532KB)