Yan Yean Road Upgrade - Stage 2
The Victorian Government is upgrading Yan Yean Road to improve safety and traffic flow through Plenty, Yarrambat and Doreen.
Project overview
Major Road Projects Victoria completed Stage 1 of the upgrade in 2019. Yan Yean Road increased from two lanes to four lanes between Diamond Creek Road and Kurrak Road.
Stage 2 of the project is in the planning and development phase. The works will include a new lane in each direction between Kurrak Road Yarrambat and Bridge Inn Road Doreen, as well as new traffic light installations and roundabouts, and a centre median and kerbside safety barriers.
As this has been designated as a major transport project, the Victorian Government has additional powers under the Major Transport Project Facilitation Act 2009. As Council doesn't own the project, our role is to represent the local community and provide input into the project as a stakeholder.
As this project has been designated a state-significant project, the Victorian Government has since assumed all planning control of the road alignment and adjoining land from both Nillumbik Shire Council and the City of Whittlesea to give it greater control to deliver this project. Therefore, Council has limited powers in influencing the project delivery within this designated alignment.
Project timeline
Yan Yean Road Upgrade – Stage 2 went through an Environment Effects Statement (EES) process
August - Council considered a draft EES submission
October - EES Submission made to the IAC (Planning Panels Victoria)
March - Minister for Planning released their Assessment following the exhibition of the EES and concluded that the upgrade could proceed
February - awaiting release of the Environmental Management Framework (EMF) and Environmental Performance Requirements (EPRs) for the project
Environmental Effects Statement
In October 2018, the Minister for Planning requested that Major Road Projects Victoria complete an Environmental Effects Statement (EES).
An EES looks at the possible environmental, social, cultural and economic impacts of a project and identifies how these could be managed. After the EES exhibition, an independent panel considers the EES and the submissions made during the exhibition period.
This project has the potential for significant effects on biodiversity values, particularly because of the proposed clearance of a very large number of trees and habitat, including cumulative effects on the critically engaged Lathamus discolour (Swift Parrot).
Nillumbik Shire Council made a submission regarding the EES for the proposed Yan Yean Road Upgrade Stage 2 in 2020. Council expressed overall support for the project and the improved traffic flow through and around the Shire. Council also raised a number of concerns for the Minister to consider as part of the EES process, in relation to the overall impact of the work during construction and beyond.
View Council's submission
Submission on the Yan Yean Road Upgrade Stage 2 Environmental Effects Statement(PDF, 1MB)
Bridge Inn Road intersection
The project includes a number of new intersections. During the consultation, Major Road Projects Victoria presented a number of options for the intersection of Yan Yean Road and Bridge Inn Road.
In our submission to the EES, Inquiry and Advisory Committee, Council supported any option other than Option A.
Council raised concerns with Option B as it would introduce a large ‘urban’ intersection footprint, which adversely impacts a greater amount of green wedge land - an outcome contrary to State and Local Planning Policy - and compromises the Doreen Recreation Reserve Masterplan (in the City of Whittlesea).
Council strongly supported Option C as it:
- protects the two significant river red gums
- provides a smaller intersection footprint
- achieves heritage protection of the Old Doreen Store
- retains a rural feel to the Nillumbik Shire Council green wedge area
- involves minimal land acquisition severance
- retains a rural feel to Doctors Gully Road
- has minimal impact on the Doreen Recreation Reserve Master Plan.
Major Road Projects Victoria is moving ahead with Option B.
View the plans for Stage 2 on the Big Build website.
Next steps
Major Road Projects Victoria is currently addressing the outcomes of the Minister’s Assessment and updating the Environmental Management Framework (EMF) and Environmental Performance Requirements (EPRs) for the project.
These will be finalised shortly.
Once the EMF is released, the development of a detailed design for the project will be prepared by MRPV.
Council will work closely with MRPV to ensure that impacts during construction and ultimate design are mitigated as far as practicable.