There are many easy ways to pay your rates.
Next instalment due 31 May 2025
Can't pay your instalment in full?
There's an easier way to manage your rates by paying weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Sign up for Payble using the flexible payment option and you'll have until 31 May to pay the balance of your account - interest free. Simply scan the QR code on your rates notice or find out more.
How to pay
When to pay
Rates notices are sent out by post or email.
You can pay your rates in four instalments. The due dates are the same each year.
- 30 September
- 30 November
- 28 February
- 31 May
When a due date for an instalment falls on a public holiday or weekend, you have until the next business day to pay.
You can also pay an instalment in smaller payment amounts (for example, fortnightly or monthly) as long as the full instalment amount is paid by the due date.
Receive rates via email
To get your rates notice delivered to your inbox, sign up to enotices.
Request a copy of your rates notice
If you need a copy of your rates notice, you can request a copy.
If you hold an eligible concession card, you may be able to claim a deduction on your rates. You must hold one of the following cards:
- Pensioner Concession Card
- Veterans' Affairs Gold Card (given for TPI, War Widow, EDA or POW).
The Department of Families, Fairness and Housing has more information about how to apply for the municipal rates concession.
If you are having difficulty paying
Council offers payment plans for ratepayers who have not been able to pay their rates in full by the due date. Call our Rates team on 9433 3285 to discuss your options.
To set up your preferred payment plans, use the online form to request a payment plan.
Please note that Council rate payment plans are being monitored by Council's debt management agency Recoveries and Reconstruction (Aust.) Pty Ltd. Correspondence regarding your payment plan will come from them on behalf of Council. Entering into a payment plan will not affect your credit rating.
If you are experiencing hardship, contact the Rates team on 9433 3285 for assistance.
The National Debt Helpline is also available to assist if you are experiencing financial hardship. They can be contacted on 1800 007 007 or visit the National Debt Helpline website.
National Debt Helpline are qualified professionals who provide information, advice and advocacy to people experiencing financial difficulties. Financial counselling services provided through this service are non-judgmental, free, independent and confidential.
Interest for overdue rates
Amounts not paid by the due date shown on your rate notice may be charged interest at the rate set by the Minister for Local Government, or at the interest rate set under the Penalty Interest Act 1983 where the Minister has not yet declared a penalty interest rate.
Refunds will be provided when a payment has been made in error. All refunds will be released at our discretion.
Call the Rates team on 9433 3285 for a refund request form.