Reconciliation Grant

Applications now open

Nillumbik Shire Council is committed to creating connected and inclusive communities. Our Reconciliation grants can support community-led projects that promote truth-telling, recognition, celebration, community connection, cultural and social inclusion, and access and participation for First Nations People.

This grant supports community to implement projects that contribute to Reconciliation and the process of healing in Nillumbik.

Council’s commitment to Reconciliation involves:

  • celebrating the rich history, cultures and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as one of the oldest continuing cultures on the planet
  • addressing the causes of division and misunderstanding between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians
  • taking responsibility and ownership of past trauma and injustices
  • addressing inequities in health, education and justice as experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

What can be funded

Applicants can receive a total of $1,000 in funding during a financial year for one or more Reconciliation activities or projects delivered during or in recognition of:

  • National Sorry Day 26 May
  • Reconciliation Week 27 May to 3 June 2025
  • NAIDOC Week 6 to 13 July 2025.

What won't be funded

  • Projects, events or activities that could be funded through Council’s annual community grant programs, peak bodies or other government funding
  • Projects, events or activities being held outside the Nillumbik municipal boundary, or that won’t substantially benefit the Nillumbik community
  • Ongoing operational expenses or core business costs without a clearly identified need (E.g. salaries, administrative costs, maintenance costs, supplies, uniforms, utility bills, etc.)
  • Projects that are curriculum based or entirely student, club or congregation focused
  • Projects solely for fundraising purposes without broad community benefit
  • Projects or events with a political or religious purpose
  • Events that are fully ticketed with no free or heavily subsidised component
  • Alcohol or gambling related activities
  • Projects that have received full funding from another source
  • Retrospective funding for projects which are due to commence prior to the notification of the application outcome
  • Applicants that are in debt to or have any outstanding commitments and/or acquittals with Nillumbik Shire Council.


To be eligible for consideration, applicants MUST:

  • align their project with the strategic directions and objectives of the Nillumbik Reconciliation Charter and/or the Nillumbik Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025
  • be a not-for-profit incorporated organisation, community group, school or club that lives, works, studies, volunteers or plays in Nillumbik, or partnered with (auspiced by) an eligible organisation 
  • hold a minimum of $20 million public liability insurance, or if your activity will be held in a Council venue or on Council land, you may be eligible for coverage under Council’s community public liability insurance
  • have acquitted and be compliant with all Nillumbik grants previously awarded by Council
  • spend the funds before 30 June 2025.

Funding conditions

Successful applicants must agree to:

  • keep Council informed of any changes to the proposed funded activity
  • liaise with Council regarding their promotional material and use of the appropriate Nillumbik Shire Council logo
  • obtain all relevant project and event related permits, approvals, and licenses from the relevant authorities prior to commencement
  • return the full or remaining amount of grant monies to Council if the funded activity is cancelled or is less than budgeted
  • submit an acquittal and evaluation to Council within two months of the funded activity’s completion or by 30 June 2025.

Acquittal and evaluation

This information enables Council to evaluate the achievements of funded activities, monitor the effectiveness of the grant program and ensure that we are meeting the needs of grant recipients and the community.

Recipients who have an outstanding acquittal for a grant, without an approved grant variation in place, may be ineligible for funding in future grant rounds until the outstanding acquittal is received.