Connected St Andrews Project Grants

Man and woman swinging a young girl between them at the St Andrews Market.

Applications now closed

The Connected St Andrews Project supports St Andrews and surrounding communities to work together to strengthen connections and relationships before an emergency, which help people to manage better during and after an emergency. 

Grants of up to $5,000 are available for projects and activities that work towards the goals created by community members as part of Connected St Andrews. 

What can be funded? 

Funding is available for projects and activities that work towards the community goals of Connected St Andrews and achieve ongoing benefits for the community, including: 

  • Connecting neighbours or people living near each other
  • Connecting people and reducing social isolation in the community
  • Encouraging people to get involved and volunteer
  • Encouraging people to work together to prepare for emergencies
  • Encouraging people to use and visit Wadambuk St Andrews Community Centre
  • Attracting more people (locals and tourists) to the St Andrews market
  • Encouraging local businesses and community groups to work together
  • Projects outside of those listed above will also be considered if they have ongoing benefits for St Andrews and surrounding communities


Applicants must:

  • Be a not-for-profit incorporated local organisation or community group; or
  • Be auspiced by an incorporated organisation if applicants are unincorporated or an individual. Organisations can auspice multiple applications. You must ensure the auspice is aware of all of their responsibilities as an auspice
  • Be based in St Andrews or a surrounding township or benefit the St Andrews community and surrounding areas
  • Supply an active ABN or complete a Statement by Supplier form
  • Hold a minimum of $10 million public liability insurance
  • Have satisfactorily acquitted all outstanding grants previously awarded by Nillumbik Shire Council
  • Provide a progress report by 31 January 2024 (projects need to be delivered by 31 December 2024)
  • Commercial businesses are eligible as long as their project or activity meets one or more of the key project aims and benefits the broader community 

If you are an individual with a project idea, but need help to find a community group to auspice you, contact the Communities First team for support to find an auspice and to meet the other eligibility criteria such as public liability insurance. 

What is an auspice? 
An auspice is an organisation that manages grant funding on your behalf, while you are responsible for delivering the project.
For more information about auspicing go to Information and support.

Assessment process

  • Applications will be assessed on a monthly basis until the funding has been expended – the first assessment will be early May 2023.
  • The Communities First team will check over applications to make sure eligibility criteria has been met.
  • A panel of community representatives will then assess the applications – applicants will be notified of their application outcome within 14 business days.