Hurstbridge Sow and Grow Garden Club Inc


The garden club is a friendly club with a lively interest in gardens, gardening and care for the environment. Our monthly meetings vary in content, though usually include a specialist guest speaker or involve a hands-on activity aimed at adding to our practical skills.

Members also volunteer to share information about interesting events, gardening tips or short talks, thereby making each meeting more varied and broadly appealing.

Most meetings have inexpensive plants for sale – mostly grown by our members and at times even giveaways. There is a display table with information on plants currently in flower.

Outings to gardens or events are held during the year and most years there is an overnight outing to a region of Victoria.

When: Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month except January (no meeting)

Time: 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start

Where: Hurstbridge Community Hub, 50 Graysharps Road, Hurstbridge

Cost: Membership fees are applicable but the entry fee for visitors is $4 which includes refreshments.


Hurstbridge Community Hub,  50 Graysharpes Road,  Hurstbridge  3099  View map

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