Eltham Wine Guild


Fellowship through home winemaking

We work to nurture, promote and sustain the art of amateur grape winemaking, but we are also the most active group in Australia working to preserve the old art of country winemaking (wines made from fruit other than grapes: just wait until you have tried peach wine, raspberry wine or even broad bean wine!). Some of our members specialise in mead (wine made from honey) and cider making. Indeed, if you attend one of our meetings you are likely to meet people who also cure their own olives, grow their own food, and nurture bees. 

We are always very keen to welcome new members, and to help them learn: right through from a first, tiny batch to managing a whole harvest, if that is what they would like to try! 

Through invited guests, workshops and wine shows, the Guild provides opportunities to learn about winemaking and wine appreciation from each other and from professional winemakers. You will often have the opportunity to taste wines and other drinks made by members, and to learn how to make these yourself. 

Our motto is ‘Share, Learn, Enjoy’ and we hope to share, learn and enjoy with you, too. 


Eltham Living and Learning Centre,  739 Main Road,  Eltham 3095  View map

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