Eltham Cemetery Trust


Eltham Cemetery provides a natural environment of tranquility, where the living and the deceased are able to be at peace; where contemplation and celebration of life may be experienced. 

The services that the Eltham Cemetery provides are efficiently performed with an awareness and respect shown to its natural setting.

In 1858, the Eltham Cemetery Trust was established over high ground on Mount Pleasant Road, overlooking the village of Eltham. The Eltham Cemetery, at over 160 years old is recognised as one of the oldest cemeteries in Victoria. 

Set over 12 acres, the Eltham Cemetery serves the needs of the local community. Ongoing developments and landscaping continue to enhance the Cemetery's design and the natural vegetation and to preserve the inherited natural environment in which the Cemetery rests. 

Trust Members act as custodians of the Cemetery, with their primary role to manage the Cemetery efficiently, to provide a facility that the community can be proud of and to preserve funds for its future maintenance.  Trust Members are volunteers from the local community who volunteer their time, skills and vision to the long term preservation and sustainability of the Cemetery. 


Eltham Cemetery Trust,  Mt Plesant Road,  Eltham 3095  View map

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