A Total Fire Ban has been declared for Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 February. The Fire Danger Rating is Extreme. The Recycling Centre and Reuse Shop in Plenty will be closed due to the Total Fire Ban.
Visit the CFA website
Find out about improving accessibility, wellbeing and mental health support, translation services and where to get funding and support for your business.
Find out why accessibility is important and how you can make your business more accessible for everyone, including people with disabilities.
Explore local initiatives that facilitate student-business connections, engage with our community's business incubator, and tailor skill-based courses for your staff's development.
Find out what resources and services are available for business owners and staff who need mental health and financial counselling support.
Discover the agency supporting Victorian small businesses in resolving disputes swiftly, allowing them to focus on building their business.
Find out about grants and programs available to support local business.
The Victorian Small Business Commission (VSBC) has information in other languages to help businesses in dispute with another business or the government.
Unlock your business potential with the Melbourne Innovation Centre's business incubator.