Let us know that your pet has died If your cat or dog has died and they were registered with us, please let us know and we will update our records.
Let us know that your pet has moved out of Nillumbik If you have moved out of Nillumbik and your cat or dog was registered with us, please let us know and we will update our records.
Report a barking dog Find out how to deal with a barking dog in Nillumbik, including how to make a complaint about a barking dog.
Request a replacement pet tag Our registration tags are designed to last a lifetime, so you won’t receive a new one each year. If you’ve lost or damaged your tag or can’t read the numbers clearly, you can request a replacement.
Update contact details for pet registration If your cat or dog is registered with us, you need to let us know if your contact details (address, email or phone) change.
Report a broken bin If your bin has been damaged or is broken, you can request for it to be repaired or replaced.
Report a missing or stolen bin If your bin has gone missing or has been stolen, you can request a replacement bin.
Report litter and dumped waste Report waste that has been dumped on land owned or managed by Council.
Return an additional bin If you have an additional bin that you no longer need or want, you can let us know and we'll pick it up.
Make a complaint about building work If you're experiencing problems with defective building work, Council may be able to investigate. Find out how we can help.
Report a footpath or trail issue If you have noticed a maintenance or safety issue relating to a footpath or trail in Nillumbik, you can report it online.
Report a street light issue Find out what to do if you see a fault or damage to a street light or lighting in a public place.
Report a tree issue If you would like to bring Council's attention to a tree issue that is not urgent, you can let us know via an online request form.
Report an issue at a Council facility Report damage or request maintenance to Council-owned buildings such public toilet plumbing issues, building damage, broken door locks, smashed glass or faulty lighting.
Report damage to a bus shelter Report an issue with a bus shelter such as structural damage or a smashed window.
Report graffiti If you are aware of graffiti that appears in a public space, you can report it to us and we'll arrange for it to be cleaned.
Report a child safety concern Anyone can make a complaint about alleged abuse, harm or neglect of a child under 18 years by a staff member or someone who works on behalf of Nillumbik Shire Council via this online reporting form.
Lodge a petition Individuals and groups may lodge a petition to Council to request action or ask that action not be taken in relation to a matter.
Make a complaint about odour or smoke We can accept complaints about offensive odours from residential areas, events and small businesses, and excessive smoke from residential wood heaters. Find out more and submit your complaint online.
Report an abandoned trolley If you are aware of a shopping trolley that has been abandoned, you can report it to the relevant retailer for collection.
Report an illegally parked or abandoned vehicle If you are aware of a vehicle that has been abandoned or is parked illegally, you can report it to us and we will investigate.
Report an unsightly property If you become aware of a property that is unsightly, you can report it to Council and we will investigate.
Report damage to a bus shelter Report an issue with a bus shelter such as structural damage or a smashed window.
Report graffiti If you are aware of graffiti that appears in a public space, you can report it to us and we'll arrange for it to be cleaned.
Report illegal signage If you see a sign that is dangerous or illegal, you can report it and we will investigate.
Report litter and dumped waste Report waste that has been dumped on land owned or managed by Council.
Report possible illegal burning You can report burning off to Council if you think it may be occurring illegally.
Report a traffic issue If you know of a traffic or road safety issue in Nillumbik, you can let us know.
Report an illegally parked or abandoned vehicle If you are aware of a vehicle that has been abandoned or is parked illegally, you can report it to us and we will investigate.
Report damage to a bus shelter Report an issue with a bus shelter such as structural damage or a smashed window.
Make an objection or submission to a planning application Object to or comment on a planning application that may affect you. Due dates, what to submit in writing.
Respond to a request for further information Missing details or a need to clarify – what to do if we ask for further information. What happens if you don’t meet the deadline.
Make a complaint about a smoke-free area If you have concerns about a smoke-free area and the premises is located within Nillumbik, please use this form to report the issue.
Make a complaint about food contamination If you have purchased contaminated food such as finding a foreign object, and the food premises is located within Nillumbik, please use this form to report the issue.
Make a complaint about food hygiene or cleanliness If you have concerns about the cleanliness of a food premises or poor food hygiene practices, and the premises is located within Nillumbik, please use this form to report the issue.
Make a complaint about noise We can accept complaints about most residential, commercial and construction noise. Find out more and submit your complaint online.
Make a complaint about odour or smoke We can accept complaints about offensive odours from residential areas, events and small businesses, and excessive smoke from residential wood heaters. Find out more and submit your complaint online.
Make a complaint about suspected food poisoning If you have concerns about suspected food poisoning and the premises is located within Nillumbik, please use this form to report the issue.
Make a complaint about tobacco sales to a minor If you have concerns about tobacco sales to a minor and the premises is located within Nillumbik, please use this form to report the issue.
Report possible illegal burning You can report burning off to Council if you think it may be occurring illegally.
Notify Council of a change in property ownership details If you have recently bought a property, you are responsible for notifying us about the change in property ownership.
Update your address or contact details for rates If your postal address has changed, you will need to let us know so that we can send your rates notice to you.
Report a drainage issue If you have noticed a maintenance or safety issue relating to a drain in Nillumbik such as a blocked or damaged drain or missing pit lid, you can report it online.
Report a footpath or trail issue If you have noticed a maintenance or safety issue relating to a footpath or trail in Nillumbik, you can report it online.
Report a road issue If you have noticed a maintenance or safety issue relating to a road in Nillumbik that Council maintains, you can report it online.
Report a street light issue Find out what to do if you see a fault or damage to a street light or lighting in a public place.
Report a traffic issue If you know of a traffic or road safety issue in Nillumbik, you can let us know.
Request a street tree on your nature strip Help us grow a greener Nillumbik by requesting a tree for your nature strip.
Lodge a pool or spa compliance or noncompliance certificate After your pool or spa has been registered and inspected, you will receive a Certificate of Barrier Compliance. Upload your certificate here.
Report a footpath or trail issue If you have noticed a maintenance or safety issue relating to a footpath or trail in Nillumbik, you can report it online.
Report a street light issue Find out what to do if you see a fault or damage to a street light or lighting in a public place.
Report a tree issue If you would like to bring Council's attention to a tree issue that is not urgent, you can let us know via an online request form.
Report litter and dumped waste Report waste that has been dumped on land owned or managed by Council.
Request a street tree on your nature strip Help us grow a greener Nillumbik by requesting a tree for your nature strip.